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👋 1. Hi! I’m Mika from New Zealand. I stepped away from my 9-5 last year and I am slowly breaking free from the "shoulding" and perfectionism while also embracing fun, creativity and tuning into my intuition.

✍️ 2. MUSINGS BY MIKA (https://musingsbymika.substack.com)

musings by mika is all about navigating uncharted terrain and discovering life beyond the comfort zone - moving past people-pleasing and playing safe and small. ✨

I’m also passionate about creating a supportive community for Substack writers who are gingerly stepping into this new space. I share my behind the scenes journey and tips - as well as meeting places like this!!

💬 3. My tip: I’m happier and productive if I don’t do any kind of scrolling activity first thing in the morning. I find that when I scroll, time flies and I end up feeling tired.

Habit I’m trying to break or establish: Starting a relaxing evening routine early. I tend to do things right up until I go to bed and then I find it hard to fall asleep.

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Hey! Nice to meet you! I’m working in similar goals. I try to support my fellow Substakers, and I’m working on being kinder to myself.

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Hi Jenna! Kindness to yourself is magical. I work on that every day. Nice to meet you.

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I love how you encourage community. It's inspiring me on things I can do now that I've fully jumped into the deep end of Substack.

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Yes, I agree its a great place to gain inspiration and joy from others and learn new interesting things too!!

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Love your recent farmer’s market post so much. Starting with Nice, then so many great tips. ❤️

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I'm so glad that you decided to jump on into Substack! The water is great! 💦😊

I get so inspired by all the wonderful newsletters I read on Substack! It's really unlike anything I've come across before.

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I love this too! What a wonderful opportunity for us all to connect 😊🙏

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I really have the most wonderful subscribers, so I'm so happy when you all connect with each other! Love what you talk about Sharon!

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Thank you Mika 🙏💖

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I told myself no social media till after 12pm so that I won't doom scroll. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that there's nothing important that can't wait for me on Twitter or IG (my main two distractions).

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Curious how you feel when you do check? Are you glad you checked at least 1x during the day? I'm noticing that each time I check social media I'm questioning what it's doing for me. I'm tempted to delete the apps and see what happens.

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Definitely give that a try and see what happens. Sounds like a great experiment.

You asked a great question and it made me think. There's nothing that I can think of off the top of my mind that made me glad I checked social media. No bit of information was vital to me knowing about it. I don't have a strong presence on social so I'm not posting content there or have a need to reply. If I did, then that's a different story.

So I don't have any feeling when i check. I don't feel relived that I'm able to check. It's pretty neutral actually.

Mainly I go there to see what's going viral, what's funny, what's being talked about in pop culture. That's why I want to check.

I have found some days it's way past 12pm when I do end up checking. I haven't ever looked at the clocked and couldn't wait till 12pm. That's a good sign. As I'm writing this maybe I should push it back and try 3pm or 5pm and see what happens.

If you do delete apps for X number of days, let me know what happens. Be curious to hear you're experience.

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It's hard not to spend too much time on social media, but I am with you and trying to be more disciplined and mindful not mindless with my time.

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One of my distractions is YouTube (including YouTube shorts - which is a lot of rubbish 😆)

How are you finding "no social media after 12pm"?

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I'm loving it. I'm going to write a story on it. I am less distracted. My mind is more calm cause it's not looking for that next dopamine hit.

I'm less tempted to check because I set that rule for myself. I can break it and no one will care of course but the good feeling that I get outweighs my urges to check. I know I can always check after 12pm if I want.

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Can’t wait to read it!

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Thank you for making these Mika! Got to follow some interesting people last time.

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Yay! I'm so glad! Thanks for getting involved. Everyone is so lovely, I'm happy that you made connections Aun.😊

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Hi Mika! I'm with you. I don't access the internet until after I've at least walked the dogs, but ideally not until I've finished my workouts.

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I'm surprised (or I should be unsurprised) at how it drains my energy and can derail my whole day.

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I can relate and agree scrolling in the morning eats away the time and energy.

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We shouldn't be surprised when companies spend a lot of money to figure out how to keep us on their apps for as along as possible. That's what we are fighting against.

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