Definitely give that a try and see what happens. Sounds like a great experiment.
You asked a great question and it made me think. There's nothing that I can think of off the top of my mind that made me glad I checked social media. No bit of information was vital to me knowing about it. I don't have a strong presence on social so I'm not pā¦
Definitely give that a try and see what happens. Sounds like a great experiment.
You asked a great question and it made me think. There's nothing that I can think of off the top of my mind that made me glad I checked social media. No bit of information was vital to me knowing about it. I don't have a strong presence on social so I'm not posting content there or have a need to reply. If I did, then that's a different story.
So I don't have any feeling when i check. I don't feel relived that I'm able to check. It's pretty neutral actually.
Mainly I go there to see what's going viral, what's funny, what's being talked about in pop culture. That's why I want to check.
I have found some days it's way past 12pm when I do end up checking. I haven't ever looked at the clocked and couldn't wait till 12pm. That's a good sign. As I'm writing this maybe I should push it back and try 3pm or 5pm and see what happens.
If you do delete apps for X number of days, let me know what happens. Be curious to hear you're experience.
Definitely give that a try and see what happens. Sounds like a great experiment.
You asked a great question and it made me think. There's nothing that I can think of off the top of my mind that made me glad I checked social media. No bit of information was vital to me knowing about it. I don't have a strong presence on social so I'm not posting content there or have a need to reply. If I did, then that's a different story.
So I don't have any feeling when i check. I don't feel relived that I'm able to check. It's pretty neutral actually.
Mainly I go there to see what's going viral, what's funny, what's being talked about in pop culture. That's why I want to check.
I have found some days it's way past 12pm when I do end up checking. I haven't ever looked at the clocked and couldn't wait till 12pm. That's a good sign. As I'm writing this maybe I should push it back and try 3pm or 5pm and see what happens.
If you do delete apps for X number of days, let me know what happens. Be curious to hear you're experience.