
Example 💕

👋 1. Hi! I’m Mika from New Zealand. For the longest time, I focused on my job and what others needed from me. But since leaving my 9-5 last year, I’ve started asking myself, “What do *I* want?” It’s been both unsettling and exciting, and I’m so grateful for this new journey!

✍️ 2. MUSINGS BY MIKA (https://musingsbymika.substack.com)

I started out by sharing my journey of discovering life beyond the comfort zone.

Then, it naturally led to sharing my journey on Substack and encouraging those of us who were gingerly stepping into this space and feeling like we didn’t know what we were doing.

I have the best readers and getting to interact with you and seeing you interact with each other is my *happy place*! ☺️

💬 3. I’m looking forward to Christmas/New Year break with the family and warmer weather! (We’re in the southern hemisphere so we are coming into Spring.) And it looks like I’m getting close to 2,000 subscribers, which is insane! 😱

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Good for you for living outside your comfort zone. I try to do that as well but it can be scary!

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So scary! Substack is a lovely safe place where we get to be brave and try new things!

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Congratulations, Mika! You deserve this! You are such a great community leader 👏 While you’re looking forward to summer, I’m looking forward to socks and cold weather here in my part of the world ⛄️

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Do you get snow?

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Not where I live anymore. I used to though when I still lived in NY and sometimes when I visit there for Christmas 💕

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I love how you've created such a warm & welcoming community, Mika! It's nice to know that there's a soft place to fall when we need the encouragement!

Also, congrats on your subscribers! That's a phenomenal accomplishment!

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Oh yes! I hope you feel that it is a safe, cosy space! It can get a bit overwhelming, but please know that you have many wonderful people to cheer you on!

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I love that you provide the space for all of us here!

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Thank you so much for joining in! You brighten up the space. ☺️

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Thank you for sharing a bit about yourself and offering a place for all of us to share too, Mika! Dreaming about when I can leave my 9-5 😊

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I am so grateful to be able to. It’s a dream I never knew I could dream for, to be honest.

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Ohhhh Spring, wow! And for me - Fall is here in a few weeks and I am excited!

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I’ve noticed a lot of people get excited for fall, maybe summer can be a bit hectic and it’s an invitation to slow down and get cosy. 😊

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Yay for Spring 😀

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Can’t wait to stop wearing socks all the time! 😄

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Here in the UK it's time to put more socks on - Autumn is well on the way and it's a chilly but sunny 2 degrees today 🥶

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Wow 2 degrees! That’s crazy! I will not complain about our cold dreary Spring so far.

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Well done with all the subscribers, but you deserve it because you give so much to everyone else.

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Yeah, very right.

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You’re so kind Ann. I know it can be a bit scary to start something new (been there done that) so it’s so nice to be able to help where i can. 😊

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Congratulations on your nearly 2000 subs Mika! Very deserved 🙌🏻

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Thank you Bronwen. So lucky to have lovely people like you in the community!

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Aw, shucks 😊

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Ah, spring is in the air for you. 🌸

We are approaching the colder months! 🥶 Congrats on the 2000 subs, and thanks for this opportunity. I met some lovely people last time! 🥲🙏💖

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There are so many lovely, lovely people here! I'm glad you were able to connect with some of them. I hope you are able to connect with some more this time Sharon. 😊

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Mika

congrats on the almost 2000 subs! And I'm excited for spring too 😍

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Thank you!! I couldn’t believe it.

The cherry blossoms have started to bloom so I’m super excited!

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I love cherry blossoms! 🌸 My favourite tree! 😍 Enjoy xx

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same here, it feels a little early, but then again it is mid September I guess... Time flies!

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Almost 2000 subs that's amazing! Congrats

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Thank you so much for your support, Han! It means a lot xx

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Ohhh to have spring around the corner! I'm excited FOR you! 😍 What are some spring activities you enjoy?

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Might try and do some Hanami 🌸. Just getting out and about in the warm weather is exciting!

Maybe do a bit of gardening. 👩‍🌾 I have a teeny tiny patch that I used to grow cherry tomatoes, zucchini/cougettes and lettuce.

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Aww hanami! いいな! 🤩 I hope your little garden patch brings great joy—I know mine did this spring/summer.

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What did you grow? I don’t have any luck with sweet pea beans. I love them picked fresh, but alas, I don’t think my soil was good enough.

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Basil and jalapeños were a huge success! A few other herbs grew in nicely, too. The tomatoes were a joke, though. They were covered in neon mini grasshopper looking bugs! I need to do more research and try again next year.

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Oh gosh! Not the bugs! Good luck with your next batch. 🍅

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Also Mika, I'm sorry if I misunderstood the assignment by using my own emojis in the comments. lol! 😂

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Hahah go for it!! I don’t even notice 😂😂

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Hi Mika and All! 1. After having spent most of my life trying to belong and over identifying with my compartmentalized roles, I kind of started over at age 53 and am becoming something undefined. The first step was admitting what I didn’t want, starting with alcohol, then my corporate job!

2. My substack: https://substack.com/@marialuzorourke. I write about what it is like not to hide yourself anymore, astrology, sobriety, & post hypnotic tracks for free.

3. I am excited to be hosting 2 hypnotist friends at my home in Seattle the last weekend of September for a Witchy Weekend! Who knows, maybe we will dance naked under the moon and stars.

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I am Luke Miller. Currently I am living in our 11 acre forest with my Wife, 2 Children and 2 Dogs (3 months ago it was Wife and 1 Child 😅 and no woods).

My Substack is called YodaBiku. I am proposing personal empowerment as a solution to a culture in crisis, and emphasise the importance of reclaiming our individual soul purpose, and going out into the world and living it!

I look forward to my sauna and ice bath every morning!

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I might be late to the game, but here I am. I came across “Find Your Tribe” through Regina Peralta, but I can’t seem to tag her here.

1. I’m a disabled writer born in the Philippines. I came to the States when I was 3 years old and have lived nearly my entire life in Chicago.

2. My newsletter is called Comedy, Tragedy because I write about living with bipolar disorder as well as my writing process and reading. Once a month I write about something random that could be considered a lifestyle post. Anyway, you can find me at:


3. I’m looking forward to the next 6 subscribers because then I’ll have reached 100!

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Hi Barb, I just checked out your page and subscribed :-) Half Filipino and mid-50 yo's gotta maybe stick together!!

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Sounds like a plan!

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👋 1. Hi, I’m Mica and I live in Tampa, Florida, but my roots are in New York.

✍️ 2. The Night Writer (micamerrillrice.substack.com) is my publication. I share my journey to becoming a self-published writer and other thoughts on life as a full-time working parent navigating the world of writing. I also have a goal to publish short stories monthly. (My first should be published in October!)

💭 3. I’m excited to continue growing my community and finding new people to connect with here on Substack who are also pursuing their dreams.

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Hi all,

My new post is a discussion/game about your life as a movie with an important point about control-seeking. I think it is fun.


I enjoy reading @ARATHYWRITES here on substack among several more.

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Hi! I'm Regina from the Philippines 🇵🇭. I write Buhay Copywriter (Copywriter Life, in Filipino). My articles are usually about advertising, writing, and productivity, plus occasional essays about life as a creative. Do check it out on https://buhaycopywriter.substack.com.

Something I'm looking forward to in the near future is taking the next step with my boyfriend of 9 years! He told me it's coming soon. I do hope I'm doing the right prep work for the marriage - and not just the wedding. :) Another thing I'm looking forward to, hopefully in the near future as well, is my mom's complete healing and recovery from cancer. And with that, our family's financial recovery.

Nice to meet you, everyone! :)

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👋Hi, everyone! It’s great to “meet” you all.

✍️🎨🎵For many years, I’ve focused on my work as an Attorney, but I’ve always been a Creative at heart. I absolutely LOVE all things writing, art, and music and, at the start of 2024, I made a promise to myself: to finally embark on my Attorney-to-Creative journey. For the first time in my life, I’m letting go of the rigid corporate/business identity that I’ve been boxed into. I’m learning to focus less on other people’s expectations, and allowing myself to ask the question, “What do YOU actually want?” I’m discovering my truly authentic Self, and I often write about the emotional rollercoaster that results, when we’re brave enough to pursue our dreams.

On Substack, I write two Free publications:

📝• VICTUS: Synergy of Science and Self (https://marisavictus.substack.com/), that focuses on the power of neuroplasticity, and gives science-backed tips on how to silence the inner critic and rewire our brains with meditation and positive self-talk. I focus on how we can foster a Growth Mindset and build a Secure Attachment to our Self. And I include fun writing, art, and fitness prompts to spark our creativity and welcome more ease and flow into our lives.

📝• THE OBSIDIAN CHRONICLES (https://marisavictus.substack.com/p/the-obsidian-chronicles) is my 4-book science fiction series that’s about the discovery of a new Homo sentient species that can siphon energy from others. I’m currently serializing the series. Subscribers can read the 1st Book for Free, and get Free bonuses and artwork for the other books.

I hope that my writing & engagement can help someone in any way, big or small. Because I strongly believe that it’s never too late to find yourself, and become the person that you’re meant to be.

😍I’d love to connect with & support other writers and artists who want the same.🙌 And I know I’m in the right place, because Substack’s a truly magical place! It’s the only space where expressing my thoughts and dreams aren’t met with a blank stare. It’s filled with the most wonderfully warm and welcoming Creatives.


I look forward to reading your work & getting to know more of you!

(Oh, and for what I'm looking forward to: Enjoying lots of yummy pumpkin flavored treats this fall, and 👻Trick or Treating🎃 with my two young kids!)

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I might be a little late to the party?

👋 1. Hello, I'm Hajee from East Asia. I'm currently in the third month of my creative gap year I gifted myself, where I've decided to boldly craft stories at my own pace and intention.

✍️ 2. I own a story queendom: https://hajeesun.substack.com/. There, I write fiction and nonfiction featuring women's life narratives and tiny things in my daily life. I’m deeply interested in documenting life stories and creating fictional stories inspired by the world in my eyes.

💬3. I'm preparing for the serialized novel that will launch in October. It's a series I'll be pouring myself into for at least the next three years. I'm thrilled to have found a creative project I can commit to long-term, it feels like my present and future have become much more vibrant and colorful.✨🎇🎆

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Hi Everyone, it's been long that I have participated in the Mika's Find your tribe initiative. My name is Harneek. My writing has been my anchor to cross some of the hard times of my life. The purpose of my writing is to honor my feelings, emotions and my experiences. My writing will provide you the nudge to slow down and find a pace where you be with yourself in gentle way.

I write https://substack.com/@harneekchawla. Substack has been a journey for me and now it feels like a community.

I am looking forward to the Christmas break so I can visit my family. I got my tickets booked last week and now everything feels breezy. :)

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Yes, I think it’s important to write about your feelings.

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Hi everyone,

It's so nice to meet all of you through 'Find Your Tribe'. Thank you to Mika for providing this 'Meet and Greet' forum - what a great idea!

I left the business world a few years ago to focus on other interests. I have since become a literacy tutor, working one-on-one with kids who struggle with reading, including those with dyslexia or other language-based conditions.

I enjoy stringing words together, changing them, moving them around and then doing it all again until they tell a story. My Substack is Linda's Words and Stories where, among other things, I write about the little things in life that have taught me important lessons. You can find me here: https://wordsandstories.substack.com/

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I am participating in 'Find Your Tribe' after so long and I am so excited!!✨

1. I am Mansi, from India. I am a student Actuary, a full-time corporate employee working in the re-insurance industry and I also write my newsletter - Unwind. If you ask me which one of the above has been the most fulfilling till date, it has to be Unwind. It has given me hope that I am allowed to choose peace, even in the middle of chaos. I invite my readers to choose the same.

2. UNWIND (https://unwindblog.substack.com)

3. I am looking forward to take 1.5 months off studying and truly focusing on slowing down. It's finally the season to rest and I am so looking forward to writing lots and lots of newsletters in the coming months✨

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Thank you Mika - I love your discussions❤️

1. Hi Everyone! I'm Victoria (UK based) Resigned from the 'big' global corporate leader role to help Mum care for Dad (passed 2020). Now I look after Mum, I'm a business owner-Mentor, and advocate for other caregivers.

2. I publish Carer Mentor: Empathy and Inspiration. Heartfelt empathy for Caregivers. A hub of practical tools, resources, and expert insights. A portal of hope. It's a mission and passion to support others. https://www.carermentor.com/

3. I'm leading a team 13-member strong collaboration about CRYING and TEARS, and there's an OPEN INVITATION for anyone wishing to contribute. So I'm excited to read more thoughts and insights. It's a very busy month in & outside Substack. Family visiting from the US, Mum's bday, and a new client starting soon. Caregiver-juggling skills!

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1. Hi! I'm Beth Biss. I live in Pennsylvania, United States. I'm just starting on my indie author career.

✍️ 2. Beth Biss' Connection Corner is my substack. https://bethbiss.substack.com/ I write about wellness issues that are important for people with chronic illnesses, I write about interesting drinks that I think readers might like. I write about my life as a writer.

💬 3. I am looking forward to my debut book going live next week! (September 18, 2024) https://books2read.com/Redolent

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👋 1. My name is Sarah and I'm currently based in the US. By day I'm a finance/business freelance writer, and write on Substack to meet lovely creatives (like you!) and as a creative outlet. I've lived in five countries and traveled to countless others.

✍️ 2. My Substack is called "Searching For Enough" https://searchingforenough.substack.com/

💬 3. I am looking forward to baking a new cookie recipe this afternoon!

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Oo! What countries have you lived in and what cookie are you baking?!

I've lived in Greece, Italy, and the US. Potentially Portugal in the future!

My sister is such a wonderful baker and I'm such a wonderful eater on her baked goods.

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I’ve lived in Australia, US, Canada, South Korea and China. I would love to head over to Europe someday! I made some caramel chili cookies. SO good!

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Aww now I'm hungry for cookies - drool yum!

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Haha! What is your favorite kind?

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Hi everyone.

My publication is called Mind-Soul Sanctum.

I talk about mental health in a broad way that includes every part of a person, because everything is mental health. I was a History teacher, so really my perspecitve is Humanities based added to my personal struggles with mental health. I have lots of experience with my subject matter and try to be helpful.

I am looking forward to continue down this new path with a newfound sense of self. I know what I want. I have a purpose, and it is time to do all the things I always wanted.

Does anyone like discussion? Here is a unique one. https://open.substack.com/pub/strawbridgeideas/p/your-life-as-a-movie-what-would-you?r=333v1n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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👋 Hi friends! I'm Kait from CT in the US! I've dreamed about creating something of my own for the longest time and I'm finally figuring out what that looks like here. Building self-trust and self-confidence one small step at a time.

✍️ Align by Kait Santos (https://kaitsantos.substack.com)

I offer a new yoga/movement class every Monday morning. It's usually 15-35 minutes long, uses minimal props, and supports body, mind, and nervous system.

I also have a subsection called Press Reset where I share reflections and thought/journal prompts, as well as some my recent favorite things/books/podcasts, etc.

I love love love this place on the interwebs!!

💬 I'm excited about this present moment and what's to come! Creating connection and community here, the fall arriving in New England, soaking up time with my little family. Finding gratitude in all the small bits!

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Hi, Kait! I love yoga. I'll definitely check your videos out!

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ohh what a cool Substack! I'll have to try one of your videos sometime.

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Oh, thank you so much! Would love to have you join a class!!

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👋 Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted here (more on that later). I’m a Canadian fine artist, illustrator, writer and arts educator. I share my passion for watercolour through online and in person workshops. My writing is where I get to be a bit more “woo-woo” and enjoy getting out in words all of the ideas that swirl around in my head about how we are all connected through nature and art making across all genres and disciplines.

🖊️ My publication “THE ARTIST’s EYE” https://crystalbeshara.substack.com strives to share ways in which we can connect to the world around us through mindful and creative gestures. I hope that these musings will spark curiosity and gratitude in the everyday.

🥳 I’m celebrating having dropped off 18 pieces of artwork (watercolours and oils) and looking forward to my solo show at a gallery in Ottawa in a few weeks !

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Hi, Crystal! Fellow Artist here! I absolutely love your work. It's vibrant, dreamy, and beckons you to enjoy a moment of peace. Congrats on your big solo show. That's an amazing accomplishment. 🙌

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18 completed pieces of art and a solo show are amazing accomplishments - congratulations!

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It was a lot of work but truly so much fun! It’s been a slow (but enjoyable)summer soooo I’m Manifesting some sales 💃🤞

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Congrats on the solo show!

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Thank you very much !

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18 pieces of artwork! That's incredible. Congrats on your solo show!!

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Thank you! This particular series has been so much fun for me so for the first time it hasn’t felt like work. And, I can’t wait to continue growing the series which again is a bit of a first for me.🩷

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That must feel like such a wonderful feeling! I love that for you!

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1. I'm Abbey from the U.S. I'm a former ESL and Spanish teacher, but lifetime side hustlin' writer. Now I'm writing full time - travel writing (mostly Spain), golf tourism, my newsletter, and client stuff.

2. What I'd Rather Be Talking About (https://abbeyalgiers.substack.com) This newsletter was born during a school curriculum meeting (which is as painful as it sounds) and I stopped mid-meeting to do a "fake commercial" about the (really good) new wellness beverage I was enjoying. When I was met with crickets, I decided I needed a better forum to share such discoveries. Hence... my newsletter where I share everything wellness, lifestyle, travel, life, woo-woo. All the things I think about during meetings and other uncomfortable situations.

3. Looking forward to a press trip to Mallorca where I'll be investigating how it's a wellness and golf mecca. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. :) Looking forward to collecting tons of content for my newsletter.

4. Adding a #4 - love this "get to know you" - thanks, Mika!

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Yes teacher meetings are boring and painful.

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Ciao Abbey! I'm in the US, speak Italian, and I'm working on Portuguese!

Love wellness, lifestyle, travel, life, and woo-woo!

Hoping to hold a yoga/movement retreat in Portugal (and subsequent places) in the next few years! Good for you for going after your dreams!

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1. Hi! I’m Lidija (originally from Serbia, now living in Montreal, Canada) and I am an artist, ADHD enthusiast, excited about aquariums, indoor climbing, pastries, and weightlifting, among lots of other things. I started writing because I realized lots of things about our world confuse me, and writing helps me nail down my stance. People’s comments are also super insightful!

2. I write the ArtDHD blog, which was supposed to be about where art and ADHD meet but is now more about where art and life, art and society, art and politics meet.

3. I’m looking forward to (but also kinda dreading) our move! After 7 years of renting in Canada we are finally buying a condo (it’s the scariest process but hopefully will lead to good things!)

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Your blog sounds super interesting to me. Can't wait to check it out!

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Please do stop by! Always excited to see new peeps popping in ⭐️

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Your article on ADHD resonates on every single level. Thank you for your honesty and candor ! 🙌

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I’m super glad it hit the right spot! It’s definitely easier if we share what we’re going through and realize we’re not alone ❤️

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Hello from a fellow Canadian artist! I’m about an our west of Montreal.

Correlation between I can’t think of a single artist in my friend group who probably doesn’t have multiple aspects ☺️ (including myself who was recently diagnosed late in life!)

Congrats on taking the leap to move. I hope this transition will be fruitful and your working will flourish ! 💫

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Oh so cool we’re almost neighbors!! ❤️ Yeah all the artists I know are ND, it’s practically a symptom hahahah

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I often wonder whether I have ADHD. How did you go about finding out about your diagnosis? Maybe an odd question, but I'm so unfamiliar with that realm of doctors, etc. I have no clue how I'd even know! I've learned within recent years about how it can show up differently for young girls and boys and how it therefore may be overlooked in girls sometimes.

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Yes, it manifests in girls and women very differently! In Ontario Canada, your general practitioner can do an assessment for free. I’m not sure where on the globe you are but start by asking your doctor first. Further to that I psychologist can do a full assessment as well.

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Okay, that's helpful! I'm in the US so I'll look into it with my GP. Thank you!

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I don’t actually have a formal diagnosis because it’s expensive/very complicated to get here but my kid started struggling in school and got diagnosed for autism, I started researching neurodivergence, and literally everything about my whole life, my father’s issues, my husband…. Everything suddenly made perfect sense :) Lots of people never get formally diagnosed and honestly once you’re an adult the formal diagnosis won’t help you much except if you want medication (it doesn’t work for me so I don’t really care). But it’s helpful as a way to reframe your own failures, primarily 😅 Like oh, I am not lazy or unmotivated, my brain just requires different things to get started.

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Yes, I find that mental reframe so helpful! Negative self-talk has been an issue for me (working through it!) and it's so interesting how things I may get down on myself for might just be innate - and so we find ways that work for our own individual brains.

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Good luck. It answered / explained so much for me!

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👋 1. Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, a pastry chef and chocolatier from Belgium living in the UK.

✍️ 2. I write over at sarahfrison.substack.com, all about Belgian food, recipes and traditions.

💬 3. I'm looking forward to working with my cookbook that came out last year again. This is therefor also a shameless plug and invitation asking anyone who is interested in reviewing my book 'The Festive Belgian Bakery - Holiday Edition' or doing an author interview or something else in relation to the book to come say hi 😊. The book is all about Belgian baking during the holiday season and shares tips for making patisserie-level bakes at home. I'm hoping to get a little group together here on Substack to give the book some new publicity. I've already got a few things lined up but anyone else is very welcome to join. And anyone who just wants to join in with reading and baking is totally welcome too, of course!

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Congratulations on your cookbook, Sarah! Nice to meet you. :)

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Thank you!

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Congrsts on getting your cookbook out into the world.

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Thank you, Beth😊.

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Hi everyone, I’m Jenny. I live in the South of England and write children’s books. I’m an adult Third Culture Kid, having spent my childhood and early adulthood ricocheting between Hong Kong and Scotland.

Becoming a Feather https://jtwriting.substack.com/, charts my quest to become as light as a feather – free from my past (including trauma), health issues and excess belongings. I also look at what it’s like to grow up between cultures and countries, and the impact it has on your identity.

I am looking forward to returning to the middle-grade children’s adventure novel that I wrote in 2020, with a view to self-publishing it. Having been in contact with others who have taken this path, I am excited to try something new.

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Good luck with the self publishing journey!

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Thank you. ☺️

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👋 1. Hi friends! I’m LeAnna from USA. I have always had a passion for writing ever since I was a little girl making up stories in my diary. I started Substack about 9ish months ago as a way to challenge myself, hold myself accountable, and push past barriers I had unknowingly set for myself.

✍️ 2. I write Little Bits of Everytbing which is, well, little bits of everything! From motherhood to friendships to marriage to quarterly book reviews and all the little bits in between. I also write two short stories a month which have been very popular and so, so fun!

💬 3. I’m looking forward to catching up on all the newsletters sitting in my inbox after two weeks spent in Italy, and getting back into the habit of writing regularly again now that we are home! The time away was so special but I’m ready to keep growing here!

Can’t wait to meet you all!!

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Hi LeAnna! Love the idea of Little Bits of Everything! I, too, always had this idea that one day I’d go publish something. I think our younger selves would be jumping up and down for our “now” selves if they could see how far we’ve come along. 👏

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Hi LeAnna, I love this idea of little bits of everything! I had a quick read-through of a few of your pieces and I really align with the things you write about. I too write about moments that make me reflect on topics close to my heart. Have subscribed and can't wait to connect with you more :)

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Thank you!! I cannot wait to follow along with you as well!

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Mika, I’ve been reading your Find your tribe posts and comments for the past two series. I was always skeptical about sharing about myself.( Shitty self esteem there). But today somehow I felt that I need to do it. And here it comes:

Hi, I’m Shanjitha. A healing mom, burntout doctor and a passionate writer. Using those adjectives saved some typing.

Naturally I write about my journey of searching contentment in every day, healing inner child, learning life and creativity.

My Substack: Contented Creator.


I’ve started a new journey as a freelance medical writer. I’m looking forward to getting my first paid gig and building myself a personal brand in the business-y world.

And Mika, congrats on 2000 subscribers.

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Hi Shanjitha, I saved some of your posts to read later ☺️

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Thank you so much.

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Thank you for sharing and good luck with your creative and business endeavours.

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Thanks, Linda

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Shanjitha, good for you for doing inner work on yourself and thanks so much for sharing your wisdom with the world.

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Thank you too Beth.

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Sounds like you have quite a story to share, Shanjitha! I'm right there with you on holding ourselves back. Cheers to doing the thing!!

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Thank you so much Kait.

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This is very exciting! I think you’ll find a large and very interested audience for your writing ! Congrats on taking the leap 🙌

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Thank you so much❤️

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So glad you decided to share! Off to check out your writing ❤️

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Thank you Lidija ❤️ It means a lot.

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Hello everyone, Spiritual Entertainer here. I write about comparative philosophy and religion, spirituality and how to live in the here-and-now. Looking forward to writing a book around these topics in the near future to help myself and others become more and more grounded in the present moment. As always thankful to Mika for creating this wonderful space where we get to know each other more. Here's a sample of an article I've written:


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Ohhh this is funnnn! I'm Melissa from GROW HEALTHIER + HAPPIER and I write about wellness lifestyle, food, nutrition, recipes, cultivating joy, etc. I love it! It's my passion and I am currently digging deeper into my soul to show up more authentically and sustainably. I am finally excited for FALL! I've already hit up an apple orchard. Next up will be a pumpkin patch and some amazing wineries. I love to do get out for these adventures in the fall - brings me so much joy! My pub: https://wellnesslovely.substack.com/

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Hi Melissa. I write about mental health, I think, but I really have a hard time expressing my niche. I will check out what you do. Oh and I’m not sure “niching” yourself is always a good idea.

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Agree on niching. If I were to create a course, then yes I would niche down. But for Substack, I can be more broad (which I love). There are arguments either way. I'm going to check out your page as mental health is an interest!

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Thank you. Well that makes me feel a bit better. I also like to make up words.

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Making up words is my fav hehe!

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Hi Melissa! I love the sound of this - especially the nutrition / recipes part. I’m always looking for new good recipes for my family. Can’t wait to follow along!

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FABULOUS! Glad to have you! I am glad you found me, because now I've found you. Your pub looks very interesting. 💫

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Lovely knowing a fellow wellness enthusiast.

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Hi there Spiritual. I talk about soul a good bit, in my own way.

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Hello Strawbridge, lovely to hear that. I'll check it out and see what you've got😊

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Ah, I appreciate that.

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Right back at ya! What are you doing for yourself today to be well? I'll be doing my meditation soon - I fell off track for awhile and realized I NEEDED it!

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I do some Zazen meditation which has become kinda part of my way of life plus walking meditation. I simply try to involve contemplation in everything I do. The unexamined life is not worthy living; try falling back in slowly and gradually, no pressure.

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Slow and gradual has been my theme lately… I needed it. Walking meditations are so beautiful! I am going to look up Zazen… I feel like I’ve heard of that before.

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It's a common word used to refer to sitting meditation in zen Buddhism, best of luck in the practise.

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Hi, I’m Hege. 👋 I’m an artist (poet,singer, songwriter), writer and life coach.

My publication Ignite Presence is all about connecting deeply to ourselves and our inner knowing to empower ourselves. I believe we have everything we need within us but we have forgotten how to listen deeply.

All my work revolves around this from a spiritual and personal growth perspective including articles, poetry and music.

What I am excited about is a new phase of my life that I am embarking upon. I’m starting my own business and am open to new beginnings and autumn feels like a great time to tap into the new! 🍂

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Oooo sounds like you're also at the start of the exciting new things! I love it! I also love starting new things in Autumn - Spring gets too much credit for the new stuff. Each season has it's perks. Each turning of the wheel can signal new beginnings. Best of luck with everything :)

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Thanks so much Karen! ✨

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Hi Hege, I have read some of your stuff. I like it. I organize my stories around the theme of mental health.

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Thank you! ✨ Mental health is so important

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Hege, we all need to learn to connect more deeply to ourselves! Your work is so important.

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Thank you Beth ✨

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Your pub sounds interesting! I am in a pivot of new beginnings myself and it is so wonderful! Going to peek at your page :-).

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Nice to meet you Melissa! ✨

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Same to you —- enjoying reading your work.

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Hiya! Karen here, from On the Outside (Looking In). You can generally find my writing about life-y stuff (and 'emotional headspace-y stuff' as my dearest says).

I'm a bit of a hobbit and so books, mountains and tea tend to feature, but so do questions, ponderings, musings and philosophies. Life is a practice, and writing is my medicine, and I'm here to do both in abundance.

I'm currently excited to be going back to school next week 😱 As part of my brand new job, I'm studying a Masters, and am beyond excited at that. With the excitement, there are a lot of nerves, but I'm going into it with my 3 pillars of life: curiosity, creativity and connection.

And plenty of stationery. Although I have managed to resist buying a new notebook. I'm quite proud of myself for that.

I'm feeling a little bit out of sync with Substack right now, because of the new job and a total change in my routine. There's only so much time in my day but I miss being here as much as I was before, and would love to find some new connections.

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A LOTR reference, fellow stationery lover and also struggling to find time in the day for all the things? I think I've found a kindred spirit! Haha. Excited to connect with you Karen and can't wait to check out your writing :)

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Ah excited to connect to you too! :) I am living my best hobbit life.

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Lovely to meet you Karen! Sounds like you’re ahead of an exciting new chapter!

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Lovely to meet you too! I feel I'm at the start of exciting stuff. Very much looking forward to it :)

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Hello lovely fellow humans 🌞

My name is Philippine (30, she/her) and I write Beginner at Life 🧡

I have no idea how to live, but I love to ponder that very question, whether regarding the day-to-day or the more philosophical.

In many ways I am starting life from scratch right now: I’m recovering from burnout and long Covid, and have recently discovered that I’m autistic, all leading to a rediscovery of both myself and life ✨

About all of this I write personal letters with my reflections, musings and experiences, for everyone who also feels like a beginner at life and wants to connect.

I am looking forward to Miranda Hart’s new book, which has the intriguing title ‘I haven’t been entirely honest with you’. The subject mostly remains a mystery, but I have an inkling it’s about chronic illness. Regardless, however, I find her funny and kind, so I can’t wait 🥰

Lots of love 💕


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Hello Philippine. I have wondered if I’m autistic because I meet most of the criteria. It’s so hard to know. It sounds like we may have some writing interests in common.

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Gosh, I know all about it. I doubted it for such a long time too — hello imposter syndrome. Trust your gut, and remember the wise phrase that when you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person. We’re as different from each other as neurotypicals are. I’m here to chat if you want to talk about it more ☺️ I’ve saved one of your posts to read later 🥰

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Thanks for this advice. And I didn’t know you could save stories. Yes I know Imposter Syndrome very well.

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Hi fellow neurodivergent person! Your name is very beautiful, I have never heard it before ❤️

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Aw thank you, Lidija, and right back at you 🙃🧡

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I’m sure there is a lot of grief and mental recovery that comes from all the changes.

I’m so sorry.

I hope that they make chronic illness a category so you can find each other easily and rally together.

It can be very isolating when people don’t fully understand what you’re going through. xx

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Thank you so much Mika 🥰 your lovely comment came at just the right time for me 🧡

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Hi, I'm Susan Kuenzi, from Oregon, on the west coast of the US. I write about transformation, healing and growth, relationships, and self-care for writers. I enjoy photography & travel. I'm a retired counselor and still do some coaching. I write to strengthen and encourage others. Here's a link to my Substack and one of my articles: https://susankuenzi.substack.com/p/a-little-survival-guide-for-women

I am excited about learning to bake sourdough bread. This may sound like a small thing, but I found the process grounding and creative. My first two loaves of bread came out of the oven today. I'm also looking forward to finishing and launching my book in the coming months.

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Hi Susan! Nice to see you joining in!

I miss making sourdough. I killed my started and haven't made one since.

It was a lovely routine. Now I'm paying for the bread each week. 🤣 Need to start the routine again!

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Thank you, Mika, for making these connections so meaningful here. I thoroughly enjoyed learning to bake sourdough this week. I wrote an article about it today. Something very grounding and creative about the process. I appreciate you!!

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Hello everyone!


I’m Anna, and I quit the 9-5 this year after feeling totally misaligned with my values. I’m pursuing a new way of life allowing nature to guide me.

My substack, Tides and Seasons, is all about my return to nature (I am very excited about the incoming nature category from Substack) and encouraging others to be ‘burnout rebels’. My Burnout Rebellion work seems to have really resonated with people and I am super excited for the interviews and upcoming podcast on this.

Looking forward to meeting more of you xxx

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Two Substacks from the heart. Have a look around Carer Mentor, if you're looking for others to sit with you. You'll see other writer's work in the libraries.

Also I did a series on Values, defining your compass and walking your path, leveraging the research and work of a few experts I found (published psychologists, neuroscientists and teachers). xo

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"Burnout rebel" - yes! Burnout is so prevalent but isn't talked about nearly enough. It's great to see that starting to change thanks to people like you who are speaking openly about it. I'm curious Anna (coming from a place of understanding given our shared experience), did quitting your 9-5 have anything to do with your dad's illness? I was working full-time too, but cut back to part-time after my Dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness (ALS). I have no regrets! 💛

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What a great initiative Mika! And congrats on 2000 subscribers - incredible!!

1. Hi I’m Ruhie 😊 A writer, doctor, mum, and a daughter who lost my Dad to a terminal illness.



I share life-affirming personal stories and reflections on grief, healing & family — the three big pillars of my life, connected by one overarching purpose — to live with intention and make the most of the time we are given, and share this message with others.

3. I’m looking forward to making the most of the last few months of my third and sadly probably last maternity leave by doing what I love (apart from, you know, raising kids) — writing, sharing and connecting with others 💛 I feel the most myself when I write and I feel most fulfilled when I connect with others.

I can’t wait to read what others are up to here in the world of Substack!

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Hi 👋 I'm so sorry for your loss - another thing we connect on. I lost my dad some years back, unexpectedly. Grief usually crops up in my writing too.

Lovely to connect in your comments too :) I echo your sentiment, I feel most myself writing and connecting with others. Substack is a wonderful place to do both of those things!

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Thanks Karen and I’m sorry for yours too. You’re so right about Substack :) the culture and community here are unparalleled 💛

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Unparalleled - completely agree. ♥️

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Hello Ruhie. On my way to your newsletter.

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Thank you Shanjitha!

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What a beautiful message that you're sharing. So important. xx

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Thanks Mika 🫶🫶

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Hi Ruhie, this really resonated with me. My dad has terminal leukaemia and the last 18 months have been hard, losing a dad is life altering and I hope you’re doing ok. I write two sub stacks, one is my main one but the other I started when dad got ill called letters to my father. I was so scared I would forget everything in my grief so I started to write letters to him so I could process it all. Sending you love from a fellow daughter xxx

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Hi Anna, thanks so much for reaching out! I’m so sorry to hear about your dad and what you and your family are going through. It’s so beautiful and inspiring to hear you’re writing during this experience. I wish I’d done the same because there are things I’ve forgotten or wish I could remember with more clarity. I hope you’re finding writing to be a therapeutic outlet, and I have no doubt it’s something you will be immeasurably grateful for in years to come. I’ve subscribed and can’t wait to read your work 💛

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I'm so sorry about the journey your family are going through. I'm glad your able to connect with Ruhie. It can be a lonely road. xx

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I am glad you'll have those letters to look back on, Anna Rose. When my father was dying of cancer, I wrote down a lot of our conversations and some of those experiences, and memories. I'm so thankful to have those now. I've read some of Ruhie's work and appreciate her writing, too. I worked in counseling and did a lot of work with grief, but losing a parent and watching them suffer is one of the hardest things I've experienced. My love from another daughter to you and Ruhie.

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Thank you Susan ❤️ It’s not a club we want to join but I feel so fortunate to connect with others who understand what it’s like to live with grief.

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I sure understand this, Ruhie. Over the past nine years, we first lost my father, then my father-in-law, and then my stepfather. All amazing men. I believe Shakespeare said something like this: Sometimes sorrow is the only truth.

I appreciate you, Ruhie. We grieve when we lose someone or something we loved and valued. Last night a good friend, Todd Bay, from high school died. A beloved friend. Several of our friends were able to be with him. Kevin, a close friend of mine since second grade texted me that he was rubbing Todd's ankle when he took his last breath. I cried when I heard the news. Life is precious. Love endures.

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This support is beautiful xx

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👋 Hi, I’m Wendi. I live in Texas. My husband and I are figuring out what we want and how to get there after COVID and related issues unexpectedly ended our former careers as pastors. It’s both liberating and terrifying to be starting over in our late 50s!

✍️ My Substack is “Changing Lives” (https://wendigordon.substack.com). It is about mental health and includes lots of personal stories and tips based on what helps me cope and gives me hope.

I’d love to connect with others who write about mental health and resonate with my posts for possible collaborations/cross-promotions.

😁 I’m excited about visiting my best fried from high school in New Orleans in mid-November.

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Hi Wendi,

I changed careers at 50 and then again ten years later. Both times brought wonderful new people and enriching experiences into my life. I look forward to reading your Substack!

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Thanks, Linda! I'm glad that both of your career changes brought wonderful new people and enriching experiences and hope mine will continue to do the same!

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Such a worthy cause Wendi! As a doctor I see A LOT of people struggling with their mental health, so this topic is close to my heart. As someone who has lost a loved one, grief has also given me perspective on the importance of living with intention and making the most of the time we are given, which has strong ties with nurturing our emotional wellbeing. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to connecting with you here :)

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Thanks, Ruhie! I look forward to connecting with you more, too!

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I love that your logo has a butterfly in it. New beginning that come out of a chrysalis. 🦋

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Thanks, Mika. Butterflies have always been a powerful symbol of hope and transformation for me.

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Yes Wendi! I love reading stories about people starting again. This year I quit my job and moved to a new place and I’m starting over too with no real plan. I’m almost 40, and many people wonder what I’m doing but I agree with you that it is so liberating (and scary!) I hope it all goes well x

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Thanks, Anna! I hope all goes well for you, too.

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Thank you so much for this Mika, and a huge congratulations on your milestone subs!

I'm Carolyn and I live in Ontario, Canada. I've wanted to be a writer since I was 9, so 44 seemed like a good time to get to it. I'm a photographer, meditation and mindfulness guide and I blend horse- inspired wisdom with healing and spiritual growth. The gentle power of horses allowed me to embrace my true self as a quiet, sensitive soul, and helped me tune out my very loud and messy head and tune into the whispers of my heart.

I share personal essays, musings and guided meditations at Wild Stillness, inspired by nature, horses, and my healing journey through mental illness inherited from a father I never knew and a mother I thought I did.

I am kinda sorta looking forward to hockey season. I love watching my boys play the sport they love, but I don't totally love the long drives every weekend through ice, snow and blizzards. 😬

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Hi! Nice to meet you :) I am completely with you on the transformational power of horses. I have been known to pat random ponies I find, simply because patting a pony is therapy.

"A mother I thought I did" - that hit my heart!

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Nice to meet you Karen. They are pure therapy. 💗

Yup, it’s be a long road of healing since that heartbreaking realization. 😔

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"tune out my very loud and messy head and tune into the whispers of my heart" - that's amazing that horses can do this. 💕

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LOVE this! I’m also an amateur nature photographer and have written “life lesson” essays about what I’ve learned from watching a heron catch a fish and from butterflies.

And my favorite of all my creations is an ebook (Nature + Nurture; my substack home page https://wendigordon.substack.com includes a post about it with some sample pages) that combines my best nature photos with short quotes inspired by them. It encourages readers to see their own and others’ uniqueness as beautiful like we do with diversity in nature instead of trying to conform.

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Yay! It's Find your tribe! time 😍

👋 Hi! I'm Tasha from The Cotswolds in the UK. I am an illustrator as well as a freelancer in the educational publishing world. I am 50, a cat owner, mother, sister, wife, vegetarian, feminist, atheist, socialist and I love travelling and learning languages.

✍️ I write Illustrated Life where I share writing in the areas of illustration business, freelance life and travel, along with illustrations, new and old

✍️ I also write The Illustrated Plant Kitchen where I share illustrated recipes and other nutritional and foodie writing, with a particular focus on plant-based food

💬 I am very excited to be off to Antibes for a week with my husband to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. It is our first proper holiday just the two of us (I think the longest we've managed up to now is a long weekend) since becoming parents 18 years ago (though we've both – mostly me – had a fair few solo trips).

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Happy 20th anniversary!

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How's your illustration business going? I've been loving watching Emily Cromwell designs on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@emilycromwelldesigns

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Thanks, I’ll check her out. It’s been very quiet, though I have been busy with other work so haven’t been hustling. Need to hustle soon to try to get some illustration work booked in for the winter months if I can. I love curling up on the sofa drawing when it’s chilly outside and it’s bonus when someone’s paying me to do that!

Hope things are good with you! 😊

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Hi fellow Substackians! It is lovely to meet you. My name is Ami and I write Finding Your Inner Pizza. I am a former special education teacher. Currently, I work in real estate administration.

My Substack can be found at

https://amilynnthompson.substack.com. It is a humorous take on life’s little moments. The stories also make you stop and think. Hi out with a twist if you will. Also, I go out of my comfort zone and reveal, so you can too.

I am looking forward to a cruise of the Caribbean. It will be amazing to forget about life for a while. I recently received pledges and look forward to taking the plunge.

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Congrats on getting pledges!

The cruise sounds amazing! I hope you get to enjoy some lovely weather and views! 🌅

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Hi Mika and everyone!! So glad about your 2000 numbers! That is fabulous and well deserved. So, here goes:

1) I’m Jeanine Kitchel and I write about Mexico and the Maya culture, expat life, travel, artists, history, and opening a bookstore in a foreign country—with all the thrills and spills. I’m also posting a chapter every other week from my travel memoir—“Where the Sky is Born: Living in the Land of the Maya.” Our Pueblo, Puerto Morelos, sits within 100 miles of 4 major pyramid sites. I am totally enamored with these beautiful, mysterious temple in the middle of the jungle and write about them—with passion, I must add ): Oh, and I got my 1000th free subscriber This Week!! Love being on Substack!

2) MEXICO SOUL. (https://mexicosoul.substack.com)

3) Looking forward to my niece’s wedding in Scottsdale, Arizona, late October. Will be great to see all my family and also head up to Sedona!!

Hello All!!

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Congratulations on 1000! Woohoo! That makes me so happy. 🎉

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I just subscribed. My husband and I hope to be expats to save money and live a saner life. We aren’t sure which country yet or when (if ever) we’ll have the financial resources to make that happen. We are leaning toward Belize but Mexico could be much better for us financially. Just starting to investigate options.

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Thank you Wendi! So appreciate your support. I'll write you more later--dinner time now and just saw your note. Tomorrow there's another chapter from my book, Where the Sky is Born-- Chap 18 (others are listed in menu). Think you'll enjoy!

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Oh, this sounds really interesting. I have subscribed and look forward to reading.

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Thank you! Coming tomorrow!!

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Mika

Hi! I'm Wendy May and I'm excited about summer giving way to autumn and writing about 'cosy, slow living' during the colder months approaching.

I also write about Mindful Photography for all photographers, and anyone who may be interested. You don't need to be a seasoned or professional photographer to learn and enjoy this particular genre. Nor do you need the latest and greatest camera equipment! Anyone with a DSLR camera, or a mobile phone, etc., can learn and enjoy! I've a couple of posts on the subject scheduled for later this month, so why not drop by? You can read a little more about such here: https://comeasideandrestawhile.substack.com/p/coming-soon

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Your publication is stunning! You take beautiful photos. I feel like you have honed your photography skills and wondered if you were on other places before Substack. 😊

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Thank you Mika. 🤗 And yes, I had a blog called, "Eating Elephants" (Blogger account) which was about tackling life one small step at a time. It was during Covid lockdown and gave me something positive to focus on. I loved researching and creating posts for it every week. I so wish I'd kept it going now looking back, but I never renewed the domain name I purchased for it—it's follower reach was hardly worthwhile.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Author

You can tell that this isn't your first rodeo! Welcome!!! Did you do instagram?

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Yes, my Instagram account is: https://www.instagram.com/stills_and_blooms/

I've been a photographer for 9 years (Mindful tog for just over two years).

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Hi Wendy! I love slow living and photography as well. Oh, and also Scotland! I love what your publication is all about and I look forward to reading more. 😁

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It will be good to have you onboard Carolyn. I had a quick peek at your Substack and will return later today for a more in-depth read. I'm still in bed writing this!!! Mind my 8 am alarm is due to go off any moment now, lol.

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Hi Wendy, sounds so interesting! Ever since I’ve had an iPhone I am just in love with taking photos! Will check your Substack out!! Jeanine

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Nice to meet you Jeanine. I'm new to Substack, so its nice to find people with similar interests as well as other talented writers, etc.

So appreciate Mika's monthly FYT.

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Hi Wendy! Her Substack is ingenious and very generous. And it really does bring us together. Looking forward to your post Sept 22. I've taken an Iphone photo class which was helpful, but mostly I just snap away. I'm really into visuals and try to incorporate into my social media. I think photos really 'pop' a good post. And also can break up the text. I know there are various thoughts on that, but a while back when I was asked to do a blog about Mexico-the Maya for planeta.com, the publisher, Ron Mader, suggested I add photos or images to my posts, and also sub-heads. I find it makes things easier to read, imho.

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Yes, Mika is multi-talented. I love her writings as well as her art illustrations.

Like yourself, I’m also drawn to beautiful visual art and presentation.

I'm off to bed now, but I'll drop by your substance tomorrow. Goodnight xx

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Good night! And yes, Mika is very talented and very generous. j

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Congrats Mika on 2k milestone. I love the space you have created here.

I’m Jill from Alabama. I’m writing mostly about yoga, running and nature trails.

I’m excited about my new project which is a yoga journal that flows along with annual fitness goals.


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The yoga journal sounds great! Are you going to publish it through Amazon?

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I plan to research Amazon and Lulu for publishing. If you have any tips or suggestions please let me know 😊

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Hi! I'm Tiffany from California. I write Notes from the Town Hermit and I write about grief, friendship, and soon I'll be hosting a Lord of the Rings reading challenge!

I'm looking forward to autumn/winter weather because it's way too hot. Is that cliche? Oh well.

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I think a lot of people love autumn! An excuse to snuggle up with a book and drink something will lovely spices in it. 😊📚☕️

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Ohh can I change my answer to looking forward to your LOTR challenge?! Writing about grief might be how our worlds first collided, but LOTR is what truly brought us together 😂💛

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Isn't it funny how those two things coincide?? Wait a minute, I have a post on that scheduled for aforementioned challenge....... HEHE.

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I’m looking forward to your challenge! Good to see you here!

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How lovely to see you here, Quinn. :D

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Hi everyone! I’m Alexa, from New York and now living in San Diego!

I write New Yorker Goes West (https://newyorkergoeswest.substack.com) where I’ll be chronicling my journey to San Diego, as a lifelong New Yorker. Along with travel recommendations and some do’s and don’ts for cross country moves - you can mostly expect a very raw, unflinching look into what it’s like to leave the only life you’ve ever known behind, to start something new (still gives me chills to write that!!)

I also write Wild Cozy Free and host a podcast called What Authenticity Means To me. WCF is a community for like minded souls striving to being there authentic messy selves, and the podcast is where I have conversations with people I admire! (Our very own Mika will be on next week!!)

I’m looking forward to fall in San Diego. I am loving the cool weather and it’s only going to get cooler. Can’t wait to sip some warm cider on my patio, on a crisp morning ❤️

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Hi Alexa! Popping on over to your Substack now. Your podcast sounds really cool!

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Hey Alexa! Thanks for joining in and it's exciting to hear you plug your new Substack! ✈️

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Wild Cozy Free sounds like my #lifegoals! I am on the threshold of a big ‘leave it behind and start something new! Will check it out!

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Hi friends!

1. I'm Jael.

2. I'm a lifelong book nerd, which is part of the reason I started my Substack (https://4buckets.substack.com/). The other reasons I started my Substack, after a layoff I was feeling stuck and needed a creative outlet. I write about life, food, books, and pop culture (mostly about the show Lost).

3. I'm looking forward to Halloween. The feel-good holidays (ex: Valentine's Day) are nice, but I love all things scary (movies, books, food). Can't wait to watch a whole bunch of cheesy horror movies next month!

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It's so interesting how Lost is making a resurgence!

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Hi Jael, I’m a book nerd too! In fact, so much of one I actually opened a bookstore, in southern Mexico north of Tulum. It was quite a trip getting 15,000 books into a foreign country (I’m from San Francisco) but what an adventure. And in my ‘work’ —surrounded by books! I’m posting a chapter every other week on my Substack, from my memoir—Where the Sky is Born: Living in the land of the Maya. What genres do you read? Jeanine

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Wow! That sounds like quite a trip. My favorite genres are probably historical fiction and horror. Romance is hit or miss for me. 😊

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Great!! I write thrillers set in Yucatan with a lot of history thrown in.

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Ooh a fellow horror lover! Hi Joel. :D

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*Jael (agh auto-correct)

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No worries. I've written my own name wrong in work e-mails. 😊

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Hi there!

1) I’m Quinn Columba Boyko aka LadyQuinn, a dancing fantasy writer and neurodivergent empty-nester from unceded territory of the Sinix’t First Nation in British Columbia. I’m in the midst of life changes, including finally putting my creative expression out there and seeking an income for the first time in my life, despite barriers. I’m querying a fantasy novel, THE ELEMENTIST, that explores “innocence and power, possibility and love”, in an immersive, folkloric setting.

2) I’ve just begun my Substack AKIN TO TOLKIEN: LadyQuinn’s Gather House as a place to share and explore uplifting fantasy (including Tolkien’s work) that has affected and enchanted my life, and discuss how fantasy can impact the world through possibility. I write as well as do video read-alouds and discussions, and I’ve been sharing pictures on Notes from an epic visit to an actual Hobbit Hole! (I brought costumes! It was so cool!!).

I have a lot to speak to regarding mental health and living with people with mental illness, (30 years marriage to a partner with Dysthymia and Emotional Disregulation, plus high-needs kids) and that gets woven in as well.

3) What am I looking forward to? In my attempts to rediscover myself (writing my current novel was part of that) I re-joined a local musical theatre group as chorus, and I’m looking forward to being on stage again with fun people. I need more fun, and people who get me at least a little, which is also why I’m here. Thanks for reading! Big hugs!

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So many changes afoot. I'm excited for you. I'm glad that you've chosen Substack as part of your journey. 😊

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Nice to meet you Quinn! So inspired by how you’re putting yourself out there in the midst of the changes you’re navigating. And SO cool that you’ve joined a local musical theater group, I grew up acting and pursued it professionally for a while, and i love nothing more than a musical theater soundtrack :)

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That’s cool, Alexa! I loved it, and at one point was told I could make a living doing it, but kids were small and it was not a lifestyle that worked. I think of it now and again now, though with how my ADHD is now, learning lines is probably not a good idea! We’re doing Disney’s Musical Beauty and the Beast, and I am the first Bonjour!

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Ah so fun! I totally hear you though. I also stepped away from acting bc of the lifestyle - and knew that even if i pursued it long term that I would want to quit once i started a family.

Hope rehearsals go well!!

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I just wanted to pop in and say congrats on almost 2k, Mika! You’ve been keeping this going for so long and it’s such an inspiration ♥️🫶🏻 much love to you!!!

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Kia ora everyone, I'm Vicki, and living in Auckland, though originally from the UK.

My newsletter is The Therapy Room https://drvickiconnop.substack.com/. I've been writing here on Substack for a year and a half, sharing musings on things I'm passionate about from the world of psychology, yoga and life.

I'm so looking forward to the arrival of spring and summer here in the Southern Hemisphere 😀 Also looking forward to being able to focus more on my writing in the coming months after an extremely busy first half of the year, which included getting married in Italy.

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Ooh what a great name! So excited to check out your substack! Loved studying a bit of psychology in college, and wrote a play about a therapist and her patients for my senior project :)

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oh hey fellow New Zealander 👋 I feel like there's not many of us on here 😊

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1. I'm Ann Richardson from London. I am 82 and have been a very reflective person throughout my life, so I write about my thoughts.

2. THE GRANNY WHO STANDS ON HER HEAD (arichardson.substack.com)

I write about anything that comes into my head (when it is right-side up). Much of it is relevant to being old, but not everything by any means. To give an example, my last three posts are on i) when do people stop having sex? ii) Just keep going (about how to reach old age happy and in good shape) and iii) how does it feel to be homeless (all income from paid subscriptions goes to a homeless shelter). You can also see a two-minute video of me standing on my head, age 80. I have nearly 900 subscribers.

3. I am looking forward to a little bit of travel, which I do less frequently than I used to.

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Congrats on nearly hitting 1,000. That's pretty exciting. 😊

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I love the name, Ann! You are so inspiring – I can’t wait to give your stack a read. 😄

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Do read "Just keep going" (https://arichardson.substack.com/p/just-keep-going) which argues that more people could be like me if they just...

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I recently found your book and looking forward to reading and your newsletter.

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Omg Ann I am OBSESSED with this title. Cannot wait to dive into your newsletter. This is random - but you might really enjoy a book called “an elderly lady is up to no good” by Helen Thurston. Not at ALL suggesting that you’re up to no good!! I could just see your stack sitting next to this book in a bookstore :)

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Just a warning that although I do really stand on my head (https://arichardson.substack.com/p/why-does-anyone-stand-on-their-head), my book is not funny haha. It is a series of thoughts on many issues of growing older and why I like it. Some people expect it to be a bit of nonsense and then are disappointed. It is mildly funny from time to time, however, as my writing style is one of what I like to think is gentle humour. Because I write on so many different topics, I have organised them into general categories. Do have a good read. I look forward to your comments.

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Sep 12Liked by Mika

Hi, I'm Elfin from Italy. Ten years ago, I was miserable with my life and didn't realize it until I had an accident that forced me to slow down and reconsider everything. I changed life and habits completely and now feel that that accident, despite the incredible suffering I went through, was the best thing that ever happened to me because it encouraged me to reconnect with my dreams and passions. Possibly through a good cup of coffee.

My Substack, Coffee Secrets https://elfinw.substack.com/ shares all the secrets that lies behind a good cup of coffe. My main themes are life in Italy, reconnecting with your passions and compassionate language learning. Learning Italian should be a journey of joy like the country that inspires it and not a dreary reminder of school.

In the first months after my accident, the one thing that would soothe me, was sipping on my cappuccino in a bustling cafè with the sound of china. That gave me such peace, the same peace that I hope my Substack can bring.

I'm looking forward to traveling to my hometown at the end of the month. I'm hosting a retreat there so it's work technically but I'm so happy to catch up with friends and family. I can't wait to hear the sound of the sea again!

I'm so excited to be joining this gathering for the first time! I love it!

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Hi, Elfin, it's good to meet you here. I've joined the list to learn all the Coffee secrets 😊

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Well, maybe we could swap coffee tips at some point! Thanks for subscribing. 🥰❤️

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Welcome! Thanks for joining us this month. I hope you come back! 😊

How did you get into retreats? Sounds so interesting.

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I will definitely be back! What fun to be connecting with other substackers in real time! And, what a learning experience to try to respond briefly to your prompts.

I started hosting retreats in Italy because I noticed that my clients wanted to see and enjoy authentic Italy and live the small day-to-day experiences that they don't get when they visit on their own. It's such a rewarding experience to help people finally connect to the country of their dreams that they can't see when they're trapped in the tourist bubble.

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Hi Elfin! I’ve been trying to learn Italian since university. When I met My second generation Italian husband, I was very displeased to discover that, although he could understand it perfectly, he wasn’t fluent. His mother wanted to learn English so she didn’t force them to speak it. I remind her of this missed opportunity every time I can! 😆 My two boys have Italian names so maybe one day they’ll feel called to learn it. 😁

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I hear you! Many of my students are second or even third generation Italians who want to get back in touch with their roots. On the other hand, I totally understand your mother-in-law's point of view, those were different times and the pressure to integrate and become a part of the community was very real.

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Ciao Elfin, I love the Italian language. I've been trying to learn it on and off since my 20s, but this year (at 50) I finally felt like I could string some sentences together and understand a teeny bit of what people said when I visited Italy in June. It was the best feeling, and now I'm thinking I must go and live in Italy at some point to make use of it 😀

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That's so exciting! I know how incredibly empowering that feeling is.

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👋 Hi, I'm Sharon from Manchester, UK.

Thank you for creating this Mika. I made some lovely new friends last month. 🥰🙏

✍ Rainbow Warrior Adventures 🌈


I share my magical adventures traveling the world and the transformative power of yoga. I write about my healing journey and how I overcame seven years of chronic back pain with yoga, nutrition and a positive mindset. I also love to share vegan recipes! 😋🌿

😁 I'm looking forward to my new Healthy Spine, Happy Mind course starting next weekend. I love inspiring people to heal and transform their lives and can't wait to guide them on this empowering journey. 💖

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That's amazing that you are able to help people with what you learned. So glad you've found a place here on Substack!

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👋🏻 Hi, I’m Bronwen from Bournemouth in the UK. After a rollercoaster few years job (and life) wise I decided to actually give myself permission to start writing - it took me a while to get here, but I’m loving it now.

✍️ Clearing Out @ BronwenLeigh.substack.com is my substack. It follows my progress as I clear my house of the many collected things from years of not getting things done for various reasons. It’s a kind of weekly diary of where I’m at and it’s also evolving a little as I go. I’m trying to include hints and tips I pick up along the way and I touch on some of the reasons for why my home got out of hand.

I’m also now working towards launching a new substack which will run alongside Clearing Out and go into more detail in a series of personal essays, around some of the events in my life that led to where I am right now. Rather nervous about this - but I feel it gives more depth to my current blogging and hope it will help my journey towards a home (and life) I can be proud of.

💬 I’m not a fan of the darker colder wetter months here in the northern hemisphere, so I try to look forward to the little things - a night out trying a new restaurant with friends - a weekend away for the charity I work for’s AGM (it’s basically a big social with some essential business stuff) and next month my daughter turns 19 so there will be some celebration and family time. I also intend to do more reading - my to read pile is ridiculous. 💚

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I'm glad that you've given yourself permission to explore your writing. All the best with your new Substack. I hope you're able to do it in a way that feels good for you. Have you had a look at the memoir panel at the Sparkle Summit?

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I’m yet to find a moment to look back on that - but I will try to do so. I’ve been feeling a bit of the imposters recently after reading some amazing work and thinking mines a bit basic - but I’m committed to exploring it all and seeing what happens. I think I need to do it for me before I embark on all the fiction ideas I’ve been brewing for years 💚

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👋 1. Hi everyone. I'm Sophie from New Zealand. I live in off the grid tiny house, while also working a very busy 9 to 5 job. I'm all about finding balance in life.

✍️ I write THIS IS SOPHIE TODAY (https://thisissophietoday.substack.com/) where I write personal essays on the importance of finding balance, slow living, reconnecting with nature. (by the way - I'm always looking for collabs, written interviews with people who have a different way of living, like off the grid life)

💭 What am I excited about? Finally taking that book that has been living in my head for a while seriously. From this week onwards I'll be taking one day off each fortnight to dedicate it to writing that book. And spring, I'm so excited for spring and longer and warmer days 🌻

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Hello Sophie, we live off grid too, in a caravan in an 11 acre wood :-) We just installed water from a spring yesterday after 6 weeks of long walks to collect every day. Nice to meet you! Have a blessed day.

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Oooh hi fellow off-gridder, I'll have to go have a look at your substack! Hey I'm always looking for people to do a collab with, like a written interview, about different lifestyles. I'm wondering whether you'd be keen?

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Hi Sophie! I too, am all about finding balance, slow living and reconnecting to nature. It’s the only way I can stay sane in this world. My horses and the nature around me keeps me grounded. I think dedicating entire day to your book writing is fantastic! I have a book in my head too, and I love your idea. 😆

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Write that book! I love how we're all having the same idea 😊

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Kia ora Sophie, always an exciting moment when I discover a fellow Kiwi here on Substack 😀

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Lol I hadn't seen this and commented exactly the same on your comment 😁 @mika - we should do a New Zealand reunion!

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Yes, absolutely! Mika and I had floated that idea once before of a Zoom meet-up for NZ Substackers. I'd be keen as it definitely feels like we're a minority, and we miss out on other online catch-ups due to the timezone differences.

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Can we ask what type of book? 🧐😊

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Yes! Very much a long form version of what I write about on my substack, a memoir about my journey to reconnect with nature 😊

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That's beautiful! 🌱

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There are now three of us who have mentioned writing books in our head! I love this. How exciting to take those practical steps forward and make time to see those words hit the page! 📖

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I think that's why I love substack so much, I feel like I'm among like-minded people so much ❤️

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