Example 💕

👋 1. Hi! I’m Mika from New Zealand. For the longest time, I focused on my job and what others needed from me. But since leaving my 9-5 last year, I’ve started asking myself, “What do *I* want?” It’s been both unsettling and exciting, and I’m so grateful for this new journey!

✍️ 2.  MUSINGS BY MIKA (https://musingsbymika.substack.com)

I started out by sharing my journey of discovering life beyond the comfort zone.

Then, it naturally led to sharing my journey on Substack and encouraging those of us who are gingerly stepping into this space and feeling like we don’t know what we are doing. 

I have the best readers and getting to interact with you and seeing you interact with each other is my *happy place*! ☺️

💬 3. Dear dreamer,

Please know that there is more than one path ahead of you.

Please know that you don’t have to see the end before you start.

Please know that you don’t have to change to be like everyone else.

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I love that you said that you don’t have to see the end before you start because we seldom do in journeys worth taking.

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Yes, ma’am. It’s a great reminder because I tend to like to see the end and the exact path. So this is a good reminder for me! 😅

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Here’s to not changing and being the unique and beautiful you 🙌🏼

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Awww thank you for this lovely message. You’re the sweetest! 🥰

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Hello, I’m Izzy 👋🏻 and I’m currently wrapped up in all my warm layers because I’m at home in the south east of England and we’re being very miserly with the heating (so expensive!) and it’s yet another damp and bitterly cold day outside. I also broke a toe a few weeks ago, so I’m a wee bit glum, and the cabin fever is starting to bite…

My Substack is Threadnoodle https://threadnoodle.substack.com/ a word I ‘invented’ when I started my very first blog way back when, as it combines my favourite things: threads and noodles. It also accurately describes my thought process…I’ve described Threadnoodle as being a place for people with busy minds and busy hands; creative types who may or may not have ADHD, all are welcome. As is the way for someone with an excitable mind that’s always drawn in many different directions, I feel I’ve lost a little focus with my writing…so I’m still working out what it is I want to say, and do, and generally continuing my quest to work out my life’s purpose. You know, the easy stuff. Maybe in the new year I’ll figure it out? Being here is helping - I’m not sure when I subscribed, but I’m sure glad I did 💖

Dear Dreamer…remember when you used to lie in your pram and gaze up at the clouds, without a care in the world? You probably don’t remember, because you were very tiny. But you did - and you still can. Take a moment today to go outside - yes it’s cold and your foot is sore, but you have comfy boots, a coat and a scarf? Great! - go and look at the clouds. Even if you think the sky is one big cloud at the moment, why don’t you try and spot the tiny gaps, the lighter parts? I’m sure they’re there, if you look for long enough. Don’t worry about anything else - just watch the sky, breathe in and breathe out. That’s it. Let me know how it goes xx

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Hello everyone, Spiritual Entertainer here. Writing about spirituality, mindfulness, philosophy, religion, nature and the human experience in general. Inviting you to check out one of the latest articles on mindfulness.


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Hi! I'm late to the party this month, but still wanted to hop in!

I'm Alexa, from NY and newly living in San Diego. I write about what that journey over at https://newyorkergoeswest.substack.com

I primarily write WILD COZY FREE (https://wildcozyfree.substack.com) which I call, "A hub for like-minded souls striving to be their authentic, vulnerable, nuanced, and often messy selves."

Right now, I post 1-2 episodes a month of my podcast, "What Authenticity Means to Me", with guests I admire. I also start the month off with the Wild Cozy Free Roundup which includes what I'm reading, watching, listening to etc. I also announce the dates for "Authenticity Office Hours" here, where I host free community conversations on zoom to talk about topics like friendship, money, self-growth etc. through an authentic lens. I also usually post at least one personal essay and I used to post these much more frequently before starting NY goes West, so there's a big big big archive to check out!

Dear Dreamer,

Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Even when it is darker than you could ever imagine. Do the next right thing, and then the next right thing, all the way home.

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I have made some wonderful connections with this thread in the past so thank you Mika for giving another opportunity with connect with more writers.

1. Hi, I'm Sonaakshi from Chandigarh, India. I'm an engineer turned fashion designer turned graphic designer, but my favorite job in the world is to be a mother to my 20-month-old daughter. Through major highs and lows of life and pushing myself to heal through everything, I have learned some valuable lessons, which I'm sharing through my Substack.

2. ZINGY ZEN (https://zingyzen.substack.com/)

I share personal essays, life lessons, and practical tips on mindfulness to get through the ebbs and flow of life in a better way. Mindful practices have changed my life for good, transforming me from an anxious overthinker to a more peaceful person (with occasional bursts of emotions), with a better ability to handle those low moments. I share my journey and process through my Substack.

3. Dear dreamer,

You're not alone in this. We're all a little lost in our lives. Nobody has figured it all, but if you're currently feeling lost or stuck in life, know that it's only temporary. Think of it as a process of transformation, a new beginning. Take a deep breath and trust the universe. You're constantly growing and evolving, even when it's not visible right now. Be kind to yourself and know that you're a work in progress--we all are. Every human on this planet has their own unique path and timelines for things to happen. You have to trust in your journey. May the universe guide you at every step.

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just hopped over to your stack and LOVING it already! gorgeous artwork. I'm reading "have you ever been told you're too sensitive?" and, yes. Reminds me of one of the first pieces I wrote here, about how I would cry for "no reason" as child and make up stories to explain my sadness https://wildcozyfree.substack.com/p/shadows

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Your kind words make me so happy!! Gonna go check out the article you wrote :)

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Hello lovely fellow humans 🌞

My name is Philippine (31, she/her) and I write Beginner at Life 🧡

I have no idea how to live, but I love to ponder that very question, whether regarding the day-to-day or the more philosophical.

In many ways I am starting life from scratch right now: I’m recovering from burnout and long Covid, and have recently discovered that I’m autistic, all leading to a rediscovery of both myself and life ✨

About all of this I write personal letters with my reflections, musings and experiences, for everyone who also feels like a beginner at life and wants to connect.

Dear Dreamer, have faith that what is happening right now or what you’re feeling, is somehow exactly what’s supposed to happen. It doesn’t even matter whether that’s true or not, just believing it is helpful in itself 🔥

Lots of love 💕


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Hi! I am Hestu, an indonesian living in Sweden. Substack is my creative sanctuary where I share my reflections on slowing down and mindful meditation.

You can find me here https://mindfulexploration.substack.com/

Dear Dreamer, let's dreaming and make them happen. Don't stop!

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WOWZERS! 236 comments Mika, that's pretty epic! Thanks for the call to action 🧡

👋 1. Hello, I'm Han, a midlifer living in Orkney, Scotland trying to write, grow stuff and renovate. Doing none of it well!!

✍️ 2. My publication is The Orkney Outpost, I think I probably covered it off up there, but I like to ramble on about my ramshackle, imperfect life including the garden, life on a small Scottish island & the joys & challenges of midlife: https://orkneyoutpost.substack.com/

💬 3. Dear Dreamer…if you're looking to create the 'Good Life' remember that it's YOUR version and not something you see here, on Instagram or the telly box. What works works for one doesn't work for all and just start. Each small step takes you a little bit closer, even if some of them feel like a backward move, you're learning.

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I love this prompt, Mika!

1. Hi I’m Ruhie! Writer, doctor, mum, and a daughter who lost her dad to a terminal illness.

2. My Substack is From the Heart to Beyond: ruhievaidya.substack.com. I share life-affirming personal stories and reflections on grief, healing & family — the three big pillars in my life that have shaped me as a person and how I see the world. I write so that others feel seen and less alone in their experience of grief and loss which can be incredibly isolating. I am also passionate about sharing with others the biggest lesson I’ve learnt along the way - to stop taking life for granted and make the most of the time we are given.

3. Dear dreamer,

Run your own race and stay true to yourself.

Don’t give up on yourself or your dreams!

Write because it brings you joy.

Because you can’t imagine your life without it.

Because you have an important message to share.

Because even if it touches one person, it’s worth it ❤️

I can’t wait to read the others! (in the morning because it’s way past midnight here in Sydney and I should sleep before baby girl wakes up for a feed 😅)

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I'm Linda and I write 'Words and Stories' ( https://wordsandstories.substack.com/ ). I'm in my sixth decade and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. My newsletter mostly focuses on the little things in life that seem ordinary but, on closer examination, are pretty spectacular. For Dear Dreamer, I want to share the message of a French Canadian (I'm in Quebec, Canada) author who just released a children's book about a dream that couldn't be fulfilled. As a child, he really, really wanted to learn to skate. He finally got a pair of ice skates for Christmas when he was seven years old. The problem was that he was born with a handicap that made it impossible for him to skate. He tried every day for a week, but then understood that he would never be able to skate. So he threw himself wholeheartedly into his next dream: writing. He asked for pens and journals on his following birthdays and Christmases and dedicated himself to his craft. Today, he is 63 years old and a well known author and producer in Quebec. So ,the message is:

Dear Dreamer,

Sometimes, no matter how badly you want it or how hard you try, your dream can't be fulfilled. But dreams are like fish: there's more than one in the sea. If you gave it your best shot, dust yourself off and chase the next one!

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Hey everyone nice to meet you all.

Thank you Mika for your generous connecting spirit on Substack 💛

I’m Bev and I write poetry in the short 5-line Cinquain style.

I’m less than a year in on Substack and less than a year into a new writing journey after decades of not writing 🥲

I work in health and social care with children with disabilities.

My Substack poetry is usually about nature but I’m also on a scary self publishing journey to publish the grief poetry I’ve written about “living grief.” When grieving a loved one with terminal illness.

To anyone scared, “feel the fear and do it anyway.”

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👋 Hello lovelies! It's so lovely to meet you! I'm TJ and I live in The Netherlands, though I'm feeling the call to live abroad for a while. I'm an artist for the magicseekers and a storyteller for the dreamers and gentle hearts.

🎨&✍ Living Wondrously is my little world on Substack and I'm amidst a little rebrand as I'm settling into a new routine to work on my first illustrated book with a little Nature Bot. 🥰 I explore the many threads that make up the tapestry of life. You can think of gentle reflections & musings on life, self love, healing and the magic of mundane wonders. Sometimes I feel like Alice, wandering around a magical yet sometimes strange wonderland.

💬 Dear Dreamer,

Wherever you are in your journey, whatever is happening in the world, know that you will always be your own anchor. Life is a creation. It's meant to be experienced. Wander around. Stay curious. Trust your heart. Let your eyes find the wonder and beauty around you. Embrace your courage as you move through changes. Feel your strength as you grow and evolve. You are magic on legs, living and breathing. Stardust runs through your veins. All those dreams that flutter inside your heart, you're meant to have all you desire. ✨

Ps. Thank you for creating your beautiful world, lovely Mika! Hope you're well! xx

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What a lovely way to think about life: threads that make up the tapestry of life!

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Oh thank you! 🤗 I love to approach life as a grand story and the threads are filled with allll the adventures we get to experience ✨ But I will say that a tapestry also makes me think of the animation Brave, where Merida's mother wants her to continue weaving it, haha.

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👋 1. Hello! I'm Sarah and by day I'm a finance and business writer. But I've been on a mindfulness journey (long time meditator) and really have gone on a huge journey of figuring what I want and how to be in this world. I've lived in five countries, traveled to so many and loved learning about all the people and places I've encoungered.

✍️ 2. Searching For Enough (https://searchingforenough.substack.com)

Here's my Substack blurb: In a world asking you to strive for more, champion for enough. Welcome to a space that explores living life on your own terms by listening to and acting on your inner voice.

💬 3. Dear Dreamer, you are here, right now, alive and breathing. That is enough.

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Hii Sarah! It's so lovely to meet you! It's already after 1am for me, but I have briefly stared at your Substack and I'm looking forward to read more very soon soon. 🧡

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Hello everyone! 👋🏽 My name is Shaunte and my newsletter is called sToRyDrOPs. It's about art, creativity and going on transformational journeys, so you can live your biggest, sparkliest life.✨ 🔮 💜

Dear Dreamer,

Please do not let the darkness of the world dim your light. Be a lighthouse for yourself and others.


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🕯️ooo I love that message! (I couldn’t find an emoji for a lighthouse 😆)

Thanks for joining in!

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I was looking for a lighthouse emoji too 😆

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Thank you lovely, Mika, it's always lovely to be here!

👋🏻Hi, I'm Victoria. After a career climbing the corporate ladder, I made a head-heart-gut-aligned decision to help my Mum care for my Dad. He had a litany of health issues that were destabilised by a major hospitalisation in 2015. We rode a hellish rollercoaster until his passing in 2020, and then we started another rollercoaster navigating cancer treatment for my mother. I have a small consulting-mentoring business supporting client's career-life strategies and advocate for other caregivers

🩷 https://www.carermentor.com/ I write Carer Mentor: Empathy and Inspiration because I have a fire in my belly and a mission: building a Caring community to raise awareness of the struggles Caregivers face today and the impact that the hidden crisis of Care has on ALL of us (givers/receivers of care). We're all perfectly imperfect humans, feeling the full amplitude of emotions looking for empathetic souls to see us and connect.

🌅 Dear Dreamer, I see you struggling with the everyday; with life, take heart dear one even when you snatch a few minutes here and there, these moments are like coloured fairy lights—glimmers of joy that can sustain you in the overall thread of life.

Dear Dreamer, we cannot control everything in life, we're lucky if we can influence and orchestrate a few important things. Any caregiver will advise NOT to waste your energy trying to resist, control or battle the challenges you face. For us, finding how to bend, flex and be agile is the only way we survive, because we are at the mercy of change (Symptoms changing over time, medical appointments we wait for, results that hold us in a limbo-state).

Dear Dreamer, please know, many of us see you, are sitting alongside you, are supporting you with empathy because we look to you for inspiration and the light in this sometimes, dark world. Please string those fairy lights up for us. Your dreams colour our world.

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What a heartfelt message. 💕

If you don’t mind me asking, where are you at with your mum’s cancer journey?

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Thanks, Mika

It's an ongoing journey tests, limbo, consults, results limbo tests... I'll share more sometime..'chronic treatment' is probably the best-known label - does that answer your thoughts? Sorry - it's hard to describe if you've not been through it - if you have you'll know.

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Unfortunately, we have been through it with our mum, who is still with us.

And depending where in the journey you are, the operations and treatment. And as you say, tests, limbo consults.

Sending you love. 💕

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ahhh so you know...Feel free to DM/email me if you have thoughts/questions Mika. We swing from vine to vine, between tests and suspended midair...Sending BIG hugs of empathy and love too. HERE if you need to chat xoxo

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1. Hello everyone! I'm Dana. I'm currently in northern New Mexico, USA. I'm a writer, artist, truth-seeker, and photographer who has always struggled to make space for these things and slow down enough to take them to a deeper level. So now, at nearly 50, I'm radically simplifying my life by becoming a nomad so I can put all of my energy into the things that matter to me most, among them, finishing the novel I started in 2020. I've spent the summer living in my 20' trailer, Serenity, and making her as self-sufficient as possible before I head to Arizona for the winter. Then I'll be living off-grid all over the desert southwest in BLM and NF land, writing and sculpting, taking photos, and immersing myself in nature.

2. I write Nomadica, which is about my transition into nomad life, but also about why- about the way we live on this planet and our relationship to the natural world, and the magic in everyday life that we often overlook, about slowing down and getting quiet enough to listen for what wants to come through us into the world. I started it earlier this year thinking I knew what it was going to be about, but it has already veered off that path and taken me a lot deeper. This has been both scary and exhilarating, but I have a deep love for truth, so I'm willing to follow wherever it leads. Both writing and art connect me with a wisdom I don't always have access to, and are a spiritual practice for me.

Here's a post that came to me after the election when I was feeling a lot of fear and grief- it helped me immensely.


3. To all of us dreamers- This is your time. Never before has the world needed your beauty, your light, your truth, as much as it does now. Doubt and fear, rejection and uncertainty, are all part of the journey; give them a nod when they come, but don't let them disengage you. Rest and cry and find ways to nourish yourself, but keep going. Never give up. Love to you all. <3 <3 <3

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This nomadic way of life sounds very interesting, I'll check more of what it's all about.

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“at nearly 50, I'm radically simplifying my life by becoming a nomad so I can put all of my energy into the things that matter to me most” - love it!

I think I dream of this. I watch tiny house videos and look at converted vans in Facebook marketplace. 😄

Looking forward to reading more about your journey.

I can relate to starting writing one thing on Substack and then it taking a different direction!

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It pulls at you. I can relate - I've been coveting tiny houses and trailers for years, and I finally made the leap. Welcome to the journey! And thanks for this opportunity to share nomadica!<3

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I LOVE the name of your trailer! And wow, what adventures!

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Are you a firefly fan?

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I’m embarrassed to say, no. haha.

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Oh, don't be. The name is also kind of a prayer or intention for peace.

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Thanks for doing this Mika!

1. Hi, I'm Carol and I'm a faith-based writer, dancer and life coach. I live in Minneapolis, MN US. I've been on Substack almost exactly a year and have really enjoyed the community and people that I've met here.

2. I write Quiet Zeal which is about celebrating high sensitivity, introversion and the small joys of life. Also sharing some of the things I've learned along the way and helping others to navigate their overwhelm and overthinking.

3. Dear Dreamer,

You have many ideas and opportunities. Choose the ones that matter the most, and whenever you are faced with a project or task that is both exciting and daunting, say this simple prayer: Qualify me.

Best wishes to all.

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Hello Carol,

It's nice to meet you. I also try to celebrate introversion and the small joys of life. They are greatly undervalued because we've been conditioned to chase the 'big' things in life. That's fine, but let's not forget all the precious little things too.

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Oh so true. I have to remind myself daily not to jump on the rest of the world’s bandwagon. Sometimes a whisper has more impact than a shout.

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“Qualify me” - love it!

And fill the measure of our creation ☺️

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Hi, I simply go by Strawbridge. My publication is about mental health which I interpret as the state of someone's overall well-being. Over many years of education and experience, I have acquired a philosophy and beliefs I think are helpful. There is a mix of common sense with the intellectual. I was a college teacher for many years, and my first goal is to always stimulate people to think.

Actually, I just published something about dreaming--the positive and the negative.

Dear Dreamer, if you stay true to your heart, life has a way of rerouting you back to the road you were made to travel.

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“if you stay true to your heart, life has a way of rerouting you back to the road you were made to travel.” - I love this so much!

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Mika, thank you very much.

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Hi Strawbridge, nice to meet you. I love that you "stimulate people to think." Especially those who are becoming adults.

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Nice to meet you as well, Carol. Yes, I think almost everyone can successfully work on their issues once their mind is open to possibilities. People should know themselves better than any doctor. I call it enlightenment.

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1. Whats up! Jezz here, from Sweden. And are a illustrator with ADHD & ASD.

2. I write at The Howling Newsletter. All about my art journey, ups and downs: https://jezz.substack.com

3. Ehm, eeh, still thinking Dear Dreamer 🤔

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Hey Jezz 👋

Thanks for joining in again! I hope you find some interesting people to connect to. ☺️

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Hi all - lovely to meet you all virtually; such a beautiful thread of comments here! 💫

I'm Lauren, a Welsh woman living in London, UK, and I write The Navigation. I share musings on, meanderings through, and methods for, navigating modern life from the perspective of a millennial woman, encompassing everything from grief, friendship, chronic pain, productivity culture, city life, and having a too-big TBR pile! 📚

I am in a moment of feeling a little stuck and confused, but also, hopeful. And so to myself, and others, I would say:

Dear dreamer,

Please allow yourself the time and space to dream. Don't wish away the now for the then or the when. Everyday is a new day, every moment a new moment. Breathe through them. It's not twee; it's reality. Lean into it. Embrace what you have, as well as where you want to go. 💭

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Hi Lauren! This sounds wonderful. I’ve saved one of your posts to read later ☺️

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Ah thank you so much Philippine, hope you enjoy! :)

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Lovely message! 💕

Giving ourselves more grace and space

Also, “having a too-big TBR pile! 📚” 100% relatable!

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Haha thanks Mika - and glad I'm not alone!

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👋 Hey, I‘m Ilka – a thirty-something living in Germany but with my heart stuck in Southern California – and I just recently started my substack journey. Musings by Mika was one of the first accounts I discovered and immediately felt so comfortable with. So I‘m super excited to join the November Tribe, thank you Mika 🧡



As a freelance writer and journalist I worry a lot about pitches, briefings, audiences and deadlines. Now I‘m in it is supposed to be free from all that. It’s about writing without a strict framework, just a commitment to myself to let my thoughts flow and show up on a regular basis.

From songs I keep on repeat, to tv shows I can’t stop watching, places I’m dying to get back to and thoughts I just can’t let go of – once I’m in it, I’m obsessed.

I either don’t care at all or way too much. I don’t know any other way and instead of fighting the unchangeable, I now decided to dive in deep. So, Now I’m in it is exactly that – a deep dive into everything that’s going on around and inside my head.

💬 Dear Dreamer,

you are not alone, neither lost nor stuck. You’re just walking on your own path in your own time and your own way. Enjoy the journey, be present and don‘t worry too much. Because even if you won‘t arrive where you expected – everything will be alright. ✨

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What a lovely message! I feel like we need to put these in a place where people can see them!

I’m so glad you were able to find my publication and we have been able to connect. ✨

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Thank you and yes, I guess that would be wonderful. Truly heartwarming to read all these ‘Dear Dreamer’ here..

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👋🏻 Hi Everyone! It's my first time posting here. Thanks Mika for this lovely way of finding and supporting other writers!

✍🏻 I'm Hannah and my Substack is called Chez Hanny: https://chezhanny.substack.com/

I write about making positive and creative career change, my shift from music teacher to interior designer and the ups and downs of multi-hyphenate life in London.

💬 Dear Dreamer,

When you feel like your life is going around in circles and you are wishing time away, please know that there is another way. It won't happen overnight, but you do have the strength to take tiny steps in the direction of a new way of living. Begin with figuring out the first teeny tiny step and then see what happens when you do it. It may lead to another teeny tiny step. You've got this. ✨

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I love how your message is full of hope and positivity!

I’m so happy you joined in, Hannah! 😄

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Hi Hannah! Your note is so inspiring. I'm in a creative career change myself, and I love interior design! Hopping over to your Substack now. 😉 ✨

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1. Hey! I'm Nobuhle from Zimbabwe. I have been writing for over 6 years. It all started as a ranting blog and the more I grew on a personal level I realised the power in my words. Then I took it a bit more seriously. I ditched my blog, becomingubu, to start over here with a clearer vision.



I wanted a community of young women to be vulnerable with about adulting, relationships, loss and whatever else life throws at us. A space to remind each other that the human journey is unique but the same.

Currenty looking for guests for S1 of the Y&O podcast. If you are keen, check out my last post!

3. Dear Dreamer

Failure is not the end, it's always the beginning. The mistakes that led you to fail are the same that will lead you to victory.

Let love lead in your dream too. ❤️

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Hi Nobuhle 👋

I’m glad you did a callout for your podcast! I hope you find some interesting people in the comments that you can shoulder tap 👌

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Hey Mika! Thank you for this thread, I meet new people each time I participate. It's pretty awesome.

As for the podcast, fingers crossed! 🤞🏾

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What will your podcast be about?

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Hey Jezz!

Will you be my guest?

S1 of the Young & Oversharing Podcast is themed If You Were Here, dedicated to speaking to the people we lost. Ex lovers, ex-friends, parents and grandparents. It could be due to unresolved disputes, break ups or death. All guests remain anonymous.

Speaking is healing.

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I don’t think I would be a good fit for you Podcast. But best of luck! 😄

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Thank you!

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Hi, I'm Serena. I'm a writer, a leader in the nonprofit world, and the mom of three teens and one crazy dog. I write Evidence of Grace (serenamenken.substack.com), where we talk about parenting teens with depression, anxiety, and eating disorders through the lens of faith, hope and authenticity. Recently, we learned that our college daughter also has ADHD and autism, so I also write about the beauty and challenges of parenting a neurodiverse kid. Sometimes I share my own journey with eating disorder recovery, over the past 30 years.

Dear dreamer: Know that you are beautiful, inside and out. When your inner critic speaks to you harshly, know that you are more beloved than you could ever know. Keep following your dreams, surround yourself with a tribe that supports you, and trust the process.

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A lovely reminder to ignore the critic and embrace that we are lovely, unique and loved. 🥰

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Lovely to see you here, Serena! xo

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you too @Victoria!

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Hi Serena, nice to meet you. Your name keeps popping up in my feed, probably because of our topics in faith-based writing. I look forward to visiting your Substack.

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Thanks @Carol Oyanagi - we must have a lot in common! Ditto!

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Feels like it new adventure every day in your family. No day as the other 🙂

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Writing through the lens of faith and hope is what we need right now for sure. I read a great piece on hope the other day that said it was a muscle, the more we exercise it the greater it grows. Lovely to read about you Serena.

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Love that, Anna! Hope is a muscle!

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Hello! I'm Sarah Sadie in Wisconsin, USA, in a small town on a continental divide between two rivers. Substack is where I'm discovering myself once again as a writer, after tremendous transformation and life shift.

I'm a poet, circle facilitator and creativity coach, and around here I host and hold An Inviting Space https://aninvitingspace.substack.com for creatives, magic workers, and seekers who want to slow down, pause, breathe and feel into the connections of the moment. Small writings from me with invitations and prompts. I believe we each have new stories curled within like seeds, just waiting for us to uncover them. I hold An Inviting Space for us to begin those journeys.

Dear Dreamer...you are me. Hello. I know you're scared and you've been playing small and that's understandable. I give you grace. Now, there is something stirring deep within, and you need to get quiet enough to feel for it.

Gratitude to Mika for this prompt and community. <3

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Thank you for your gift of words. Embracing grace. ✨

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Nice to meet you, Sarah! Sounds like your substack is such a welcoming space!

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👋 1. Hello! I’m Suzanne from Texas, US. I’ve been a coach and holistic health practitioner since 1999 and finally (about 15 years ago in my 40’s) learned that I don’t need permission to be me 😊

✍️ 2. At The Alchemy of You (https://suzannearjona.substack.com) I write about following your courageous heart and living unapologetically as YOU, using a foundation in Human Design and touching on archetypes, symbolism, and my own adventures.

💬 3.Dear Dreamer… you are one of a kind.

You are a piece of the cosmic puzzle with your own very special space and purpose that nobody else can fill.

You don’t need permission to be you - all of you: your strengths, your weaknesses, your quirks, and your secrets.

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“You don’t need permission to be you” beautiful!

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You are a piece of the cosmic puzzle. This made my heart sing. Really spoke to me. The weaving of magic, coming back to our souls is indeed a beautiful alchemy.

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It is beautiful! ✨

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Hey Suzanne! Thanks for the reminder that we don't need permission to be ourselves....

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You’re welcome 🙏🏻 Even when you feel you are off kilter or out of sorts, you will always play your role the best 🙂

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Hi Im Kailey! ✨ Im a recently agented author and the founder of Write or Die Magazine.

- I write In the Weeds where I have been sharing all about writing and querying my debut novel as well as my life works in the service industry (spoiler alert: my novel is set in a restaurant!) Im also currently hosting a 90 Day Novel Challenge geared towards those who are looking to write a first draft of a novel! Im so passionate about helping writers and holding space for those who need accountability has been so wonderful so far: https://kaileydellorusso.substack.com/

- dear dreamer: you are a writer. no matter where you are in your journey, you deserve the title, you deserve to claim what you are. you are worthy and capable of sharing your story with the world. dont give up ✨

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How is the challenge going so far? I’m always curious to see how challenges go on Substack.

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Its going really well! I’m adding a new thread everyday with a word of encourage or a prompt from The 90 Day Novel by Alan Watt and then folks are checking in with their word count or how their session went. It seems to be helping a lot of people stay focused which makes me so happy!

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Nice to meet you Kailey. I've been writing for many years and have done the pitch and query song and dance many times. I still need reminders that my stories are important and that I need to share them.

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I’m so glad the ups and downs have not discouraged you. The writing is the most important part, right? I think we forget that when we are trying to meet these publication goals! <3

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Hi, I am trying to publish a book with no success. Sometimes I get very down and frustrated, but something keeps telling me that what I have written is important. Plus, I think maybe I should write another one, in part to keep my focus and energy intact, as I wait on the first one. What do you think about that plan?

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Hi! Congrats on writing a book. That is no small thing! Are you currently querying your book or trying to self publish? Your work is absolutely important its wonderful you know that :) I think its always best to keep writing or busy yourself with a new project when you are waiting. It keeps the passion alive, you know?

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I am trying to go with traditional publishing. I want what I write to have some chance at an audience, and I do not have an agent. I am trying to edit myself. Basically, I am new to this world coming from the academic world. Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, I do understand. I have to feel like I am moving forward somehow toward a purpose.

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Amazing. Good for you! FYI I also run a Where to Query column at @Sub Club if you are looking for advice on getting an agent or lists of agents who are currently open for your query :)

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Hi Kailey! Congrats on getting an agent! Excited to hear more about what you share about writing.

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Thank you so much, Serena! <3

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👋 Hi everyone! I'm Sophie, a Belgian living in New Zealand, currently living life in an off the grid tiny house.

✍️ I write over at This Is Sophie Today (https://thisissophietoday.substack.com/)

I write about rewilding and reconnecting with nature for busy humans, with of course some stories about my off the grid life sprinkled in.

💭 Dear dreamer,

I am you. I'm a dreamer too.

I want to let you know that on your path to follow your dreams you will encounter many people who will have opinions on your dreams. People will tell you that you can't do it, or that you shouldn't do it, or that your dream isn't worth it.

Please, dreamer, only listen to your own voice. If you want to quit on your dream because that's what you want to do deep down, then by all means quit - you don't always have to finish everything you started. BUT, if something tells you deep down that you want to forge ahead, that you want to pursue this dream, then do it. Don't listen to anyone else. Push through and you will achieve your dream one day.

❤️Also just wanted to add in a little thank you to Mika for providing the space for us to connect with each other!

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Hi Sophie I am loving your Substack. We have wildlife mindfulness an tea in common ✨💛

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You’re so welcome, Sophie! Thanks for joining in again! And thanks for the reminder to turn inward and block out outside noise and trust our inner voice. ✨

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Hi Sophie - I hope you don't mind I just made a note to introduce you to a couple of people, you may already know them but they came to mind when I read a couple of your articles.

Our publications focus on different subjects, but I love reading about Nature because caregivers don't get much time to put our feet in the grass. We live vicariously through reading other people's experiences!

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Oh lovely, I love meeting new people! Thank you and glad you liked reading my articles 🙂

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Hey Sophie, this sounds so wonderful and grounding. I can’t pass by the words ‚tiny house’ without starting to dream and get curious. Your substack looks so inspiring and very unique. Going to dive a little bit deeper into it later.

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We were the same, I think they often are portrayed in a dreamy idealistic way. Have to be realistic about living in a small space though!

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Hi Sophie, I love what you have written about only listening to your own voice. I am going to hold those words in my head today. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Your off-grid, tiny house peaked my attention and I'm off for a look at your Substack page 😊

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Oh lovely to hear my words resonated with you ❤️

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I love that term rewilding, I feel as I’m doing the same at the moment. November over here is autumn moving into winter and I’ve been embracing the stillness it’s so wonderful.

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Autumn is a beautiful season 🍁 enjoy

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Sophie, it makes sense that you encourage dreamers to blaze their own trails in the wilderness literally and figuratlvely!

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Hi, I’m Jeanine and have been on Substack a year this month. Time flies! I’ve written for various websites, newspapers and guide books and have authored four books. I love being on Substack.

--Mexico Soul. (https://mexicosoul.substack.com)

--I write about Mexico and the Maya, living as an expat, and opening a bookstore in a foreign country.

--Dear Dreamer: Dare to dream and dream big, because as the song goes, dreaming is free. Our imaginations are so fertile, but first we must dream it— then we can do it. Dreams give us the license to bring it into existence.

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Love your message. An invitation to be bold and brave! ✨

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Thanks Mika!!

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Jeanine, moving to Mexico and opening a bookstore sounds like one of my dreams come true! Excited to learn from you.

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Oh thank you so much Serena! I'm condense serializing my memoir "Where the Sky is Born: Living in the Land of the Maya," on my stack. Chapter 22 tomorrow, Friday. The earlier chapters are available in the menu at top of my stack, Mexico Soul. It was quite an ambitious project--Mexico has, to this day, few bookstores as the populace is not highly literate, plus the populace is also poor, and books--not a necessity. That's why we opened a 'Buy-Sell-Trade' used bookshop, so the locals could afford too- Had English, Spanish, French, German as our town quite international. Thanks for your comment!

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Jeanine, that is amazing!!! I love it!

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Hi! I'm Christie from Lake Placid, NY. I used to be super involved in my sports (figure skating), a small business, and freelance writing and neglected my own needs...until the pandemic gave me time to explore who I was and what I truly wanted out of life. And, oh yeah, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Now, I spend my time writing, trying to clean up my life, and striving to live uncommon.

My Substack, Not Your Average Athlete, is fledgling but about lessons learned as a neurodivergent athlete/writer/dreamer. https://notyouraverageathlete.substack.com/

I'm primarily writing on Medium so I'm still figuring this stuff out. :)

Dear Dreamer,

Please know your identity can, and will, change. You don't have to fit in and be like everyone else to be happy and successful, in fact, it's usually detrimental to it. Life might seem weird/bad/sad now, but it will change and it will get better.

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“trying to clean up my life” - me too! 😅🙋‍♀️

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Striving to live uncommon. I love that, I feel I’m in a similar situation. The analogy of clean up is such a good one. I think I’ve done a lot of things because I should not because I could. And now I see myself as a burnout rebel 🔥 writing about that journey back to myself has been so healing.

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Hey Christie, nice to meet you! I love the sound of your Substack and look forward to checking it out! I write about neurodiversity too - from the perspective of parenting neurodiverse teens/ teens with mental health challenges (they have both).

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Thanks and cool! I’m subscribing!

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Thanks @Christie Sausa!

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Hi Christie, love your substack - I agree that fitting in is not necessary for happiness at all, but took me a while to realise that!

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:) I love your stuff too Sophie! Thanks for commenting.

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1. Hi all! I'm Jael.

2. I started my Substack, 4Buckets, for several reasons. I needed a creative outlet, I needed a place to talk about the nonsense in my head, including my thoughts on the show Lost. But also because I had been putting off creative writing for years.

3. Dear Dreamer, don't let fear of failure stop you from doing anything.


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Thanks for joining in again, Jael!

If only we could bottle our fear and throw it out into the ocean! 😆🌊

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Hi Jael, absolutely, I think I held on to my job for too long for fear of failure. But now I’m rebelling and trying something new, it’s a great experience!

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I totally get it. I stayed in a job too long, thinking I couldn't try something new. I ended up going back to school. It was hard but I got into the industry I wanted. Good luck!

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👋 Kia ora everyone, I'm Vicki, another New Zealander. Writer, Psychologist, Yoga Teacher, and fellow dreamer.

✍️ My Substack is the Therapy Room, where I share musings on life in and out of the therapy room, as we all try to figure out this life thing together.


💬 Dear dreamer, please know that you are not alone. This human life is hard. We came here to be challenged, to learn and grow. Sometimes the lessons are painful. Sometimes life is lonely. But we are all in it together. No matter how put-together other people's lives look from the outside, trust me when I say they suffer too. And the ways that we all suffer are remarkably similar.

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Such a beautiful message to remind us that we don’t need to do life alone and to lean just to those around us and that others might look like they have it all right but we are all going through our own stuff.

Thank you!

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Howdy, Vicki! xoxo

I've a few days of respite and after putting a bit of makeup on, said, 'hello' to the person in the mirror - who looks a little tired and older than before! ;-) We are definitely, 'All in this together'. Community. Big hug

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Vicki I adore your Dear Dreamer. Life is hard, I remember feeling the shock of it as I grew up, but the beauty is in the challenge and the growth. Thank you for this it was lovely xx

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Thank you Anna 😊

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Hi Vickie 👋 I often say something similar: "don't worry, everyone else is faking it too!" 😅

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So true Sophie 😃

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Hi Vicki! I'm subscribing now, very jealous that you live in NZ and looking forward to reading! :)

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Oh thank you Christie. Nice to meet you here 😊

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🙋‍♀️1. Hi there! I'm Lisa and I live in the US. I've a passion for many things: art, crochet, photography, writing, to name a few.

📝2. I have a couple of Substacks. My main one is https://theforgottenmuse.substack.com

Where I write about my passions, or dealing with chronic illness, or whatever comes to mind. The other is on genealogy and tracing my family lines, but I'm just starting that one.

💭3. Dear Dreamer,

I know things are scary right now and it is okay to feel what you are feeling.

You have a purpose, you need to find it and do it.

You are stronger than you think and smarter than you know.

You can do the hard things, just look at how far you've come.

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Love your message!

“okay to feel what you are feeling” - yes to that!

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I love this Lisa, I have recently quit my job with no plan and moved back to my home town. I’m going through a rediscovery and finding out about my ancestors has become key to my process. My family was a well known family in the village, my grandfather was one of 5 boys, and understanding their stories somehow helps me know myself better. It’s an interesting journey isn’t it?

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Hi Anna Rose, I wish I had more access to my family stories. But there's no one left to tell them. The ones I do know, feel like myths because I can't confirm them. Though, some are interesting. But maybe someday I will turn over a new stone and discover something new. It is an interesting journey and I love it.

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Hey Lisa, nice to meet you! Thanks for sharing this. My daughter also has a chronic illness which I also write about. It is tough, right?

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Hi Serena, nice to meet you too.

Yes, it is tough. Some days more than others.

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1. Hi, I am Jana, from UK. I turned 40 this year and that made me question a lot about my work, how I live, and where my priorities sit.

2. My publication is Coffee Break.


I share tips about intentional rest, meaningful work, and the books that help us navigate between the two. I also cover interviews with fellow Substack writers to share and learn from each other stories and processes.

Dear Dreamer…

Challenge yourself to push through tough times, the times you feel you want to give up.

Challenge yourself to stick with your dream for just a bit longer, always know you can handle whatever comes your way ❤️

PS: this is a beautiful idea

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“stick with your dream for just a bit longer” so true. You just never know what’s around the corner.

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🙌🏼 I love hearing how many of us are reconsidering our priorities. This second half of our life is all ours and we get to design it. It’s so exciting 🎉🎉🎉

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I could no agree more; there's something about the 40s; you don't want to put up with nonsense and the successful definition of others

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Nice to see you here again, Jana! I'm glad to be reminded to go read your Substack. Such important concepts.

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Thank you, Serena.

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I get a really good energy from your writing here. "intentional rest, meaningful work," are two of my biggest passions. Definitely going to check out your Substack. :-)

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Thank you so much, Sarah

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Just popped over to your page and love what I’ve read so far! Those coffee breaks are oh so important in life 🙂

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Thank you, Suzanne

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Love the name of your newsletter! I think we've met before thanks to Mika's largesse here on Finding our Tribe! You list so many resources for people. Great stuff.

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Thank you, Jeanine 😊 I try to pop in every month, it’s a great community

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Hi, I’m Bronwen from Bournemouth on the south coast of the UK. I’ve always been a dreamer and mostly dream about being a writer. At 52 I’m finally making moves towards that goal.

I have two Substacks but the original one is Clearing Out (BronwenLeigh.Substack.com) and is about my journey to bring calm back to my over busy, over full and in need of tlc home. I look at hoarding, clutter clearing and the reasons behind why it all got out of control.

Dear dreamer don’t ever give up on your dreams - keep the faith in your heart that you know which direction to take. You simply need to see through all the obstacles in your way 💚

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Awww I love your message, Bronwen! 💕

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Hi Bronwen! We can all help each other keep that faith and give each other a push or hand over those obstacles. xo lovely to see you here.

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Yes indeed. We all benefit when we support each other 💚

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Nice to meet you Bronwen. I look forward to reading about your decluttering practices. I'm also in the process of pre-downsizing - in my home, my business and in my brain. :-)

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Hi Carol - nice to meet you too. It's a process isn't it! I hope you find some inspiration - but also feel free to share some too :)

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Hi 👋🏽 I’m Nneka (en-Nay-kay). I’m a Tino born sage and oracle. I write about caregiving, cultural differences and crafting your next season in Letters from Nneka.


Dear dreamer, fortunately few things in life are permanent. This too shall pass.

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I love your description of your publication! ☺️

I’ve also been enjoying your updates on your retirement journey 👌

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Hello you! Lovely to connect.

When things were really bad the fact that the sun goes up and will set, and the moon will wax and wane, were the only dependable constants. Dreams help us see beyond the struggles of today. Thankfully!

It's lovely to be part of Mika's community

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Crafting your next season ❤️ beautiful phrase. I’m in that right now. Looking just one step ahead.

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I'm ever the futurist:-) I share updates monthly. I think I'll send it out this Sunday.

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Yes those words - this too shall pass - have felt very pertinent lately on multiple levels 😊

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So true.

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This speaks to me, thank you for sharing your “Dear dreamer” ☺️

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1. Hi, I'm Jouujoux from Canada. I've been enchanted by the art of storytelling for as long as I can remember, and I am currently in the process of drafting my first novel.

2. Love, Hate, Create (https://jouujoux.substack.com/)

I started this Substack to chronicle my journey as a writer and creative and find people with similar interests doing the same thing. Hence the name, as we often have a love hate relationship with our processes.

3. Dear dreamer,

Feed your inner child and

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” - Shel Silverstein

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Just subscribed, I love the Shel Silverstein quote (grew up reading his work over and over again). :)

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Its sooo good right, where the sidewalk ends is a classic?! Thanks for subscribing 💕

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I like that poem. Thanks for sharing:-)

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💕 happy it resonated!

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Hi JouuJoux!! Thanks for joining in!

“Feed your inner child” - SUCH.a good reminder!! What do you do to feed your inner child?

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Recently, its been the little things going back to the things I likes as a kid, movies, songs etc. How about you?

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1. Hi. I'm Trevy from the U.S. (Please feel for us after a painful election this week!). I am about to move from a piece of land filled with nature to a tiny lot in a town and the struggle over this decision is painful. Good things about both but we decided not to be so isolated as we get older. Our dogs will think we've gone bankrupt.

2. OUR HUNDRED YEARS (https://trevythomas.substack.com)

We live our lives with our attention on daily tasks, and goals, and busyness, paying very little mind to the rather enourmous fact that we're going to be gone from here one day soon. Nobody will remember us in a hundred years. The to-do lists and chores will be meaningless. I think about this a lot and maybe you do too. Where are we going? Is there a place to go? What will our end be like? What is the purpose of this life journey that disappears in a blip?

3. Dear Dreamer,

Remember that every life is filled with both pain and joy. Your time will come around to one or the other soon enough.

When you're in a bad place, look up at the sky. It reminds you how small everything really is, and how much there is out in the universe that we don't understand.

Ironically, looking at the big picture with wonder is what brings comfort to the tiny struggles in our mortal life. Remember to breathe!

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Hi Trevy, BIG hugs of empathy.

I resonate painfully hard with your beautiful words. I never knew the full amplitudes of life until I became absorbed in caregiving. Life lives within the swings of that pendulum. Breathing may be hard, BUT breath-work is essential to keep going. xo

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Hugs right back to you. Caregiving is incredibly hard. But like all things, it is temporary. That fact, too, can be hard. But this is the life we've been given. Thankfully, it is also full of joy!

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Thanks, Trevy, I appreciate your words, however, I’m on the second rollercoaster, and in parallel supporting a couple of older friends and I supported cousin who was on a cancer journey, and he and his wife needed help orchestrating end-of-life, palliative care.

As a friend and I just shared, once we’ve walked the path, it feels like we go through variations of the caregiver journey over and over/in parallel (great insight from Sarah Coomber)

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I hope you're finding rest. And if not, I hope you are taking it anyway as you're able. Your people are lucky to have such good care ❤️

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Thanks, Trevy. I'm on a few days respite right now xoxo

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I also write about the existential or however one would term it.

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All so nicely put. And the breathe ending--perfect!

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Thank you, Jeanine 😊

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You're welcome!!

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“We live our lives with our attention on daily tasks, and goals, and busyness, paying very little mind to the rather enourmous fact that we're going to be gone from here one day soon. Nobody will remember us in a hundred years. The to-do lists and chores will be meaningless.” I have been thinking about this A LOT!! I’m reading “Four thousand weeks” and I just want to highlight the whole book - and I’ve JUST started!!

I’m trying to come to grips with the question, “if you have time, should you spend it on meaningful pursuits or building a career that will keep you in a good financial position in the future”. My parents have worked hard all their lives and have assets that have meant their future is secure. My friend’s parents also worked hard, but because of some vices (gambling) and physical issues, they now need money from their children in their old age and have no assets.

I’m looking forward to getting some of these questions answered in your publications - and also follow your journey of moving. I hope you end up in the right place. Even if it’s just for now.

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I have not heard of that book so thank you! My mother needed financial help from her children too and it seemed so precarious at that stage of life. Money makes a difference as we age. To me the key is finding a way to make it and handle it responsibly that doesn't make you miserable on a daily basis. It's a tricky balance to find. But even cobbling together a couple of smaller income sources that you don't mind working at is better than one big career that makes you miserable. That's much more important than prestige. Thanks for connecting!

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I would also second a recommendation for Burkeman's book! I wrote a little about his work here - https://laurenkatepowell.substack.com/p/cultural-compass-8

Love the concept of your Substack, Trevy. It's looking at the sea that reminds me how small we, and our worries, are. But I don't live near the coast, so taking that in from the sky is more attainable. Thanks for the reminder.

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Thank you, Lauren. The sea does it for me too but you're right that not everyone has access to it. The sky is usually a glance away❤️

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Absolutely, and a good reminder to 'look up' in more ways than one 😊

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Subscribed Trevy as i feel you have stuff i can learn from. Heading to 60 in a few years and 'planned' retirement and looking so forward to it all but knowing there are several glitches as is life...Thanks for introducing yourself here

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This stage is like getting an advanced degree in life. Important to have meaningful connections now. Thank you for reaching out❤️

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Hi, I’m Claire. I teach Substack over at Sparkle on Substack but originally (in 2022) I came here to find my voice and write what was on my heart.

I still write that newsletter, it’s called Creatively Conscious and I write about whole hearted business, slow living and the things that set my soul on fire.

For this prompt I want to write - Dear Dreamer, make your art and also make it count. Make it part of your legacy.


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Lovely to see you here too Claire 👋 and yes to creating our art and creating our legacy 🙌

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Welcome, Claire! 👋

It’s nice to hear your origin story, because a lot of people know you from Sparkle on Substack. 😊

I love your message to the dreamer. It feels so empowering and hopeful!

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Hi! Jill from Alabama in the USA. I have a passion for yoga, running and nature. My newsletter shares the benefits of yoga as a home practice to continue engaging in the sports and activities that make us feel alive!

My newsletter is Athlete in Balance. https://athleteinbalance.substack.com/

Dear Dreamer,

Keep moving and pushing toward your goals.

If you are stuck, dance as if no one is watching.

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So important to keep on moving! I've had a total knee replacement and it was so horrible not being able to run, walk, do my yoga--until the surgery and that was my one pre-req to the surgeon, I had to be able to do yoga afterwards. He said that relies on me, doing my PT, etc, which I did. When we feel good we take moving, walking for granted. But it's not always a given, it's really a gift. So, the old adage holds true, Use it or Lose It. Great work you are doing Jill, helping people help themselves in the comfort of their own homes. Kudos.

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Thank you! Sounds like you recovered well.

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So good to 'see' you here Jill:-)

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Thank you 😊

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Hi Jill! 👋

You’re so great at tapping into the power of moving your body!

We can end up living such a sedentary life, without even realising it!

I started consciously making more time for it and trying new classes and I’m having such a great experience. I’m even meeting new friends!

One of my fav has to be my Zumba class. I’ve been going on and off for about 10 years and this week, decided I have to incorporate it into my weekly routine. I forgot how much I love to have a boogie!

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For years, I had been talking about moving my body again and simply NOT moving. 🤣 2023 I looked at pictures of myself and hated what I saw. I started walking and boy has my life changed! Maybe one day I will write a post about where I was at and where I am now. 🤔

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Thank you Mika!! This makes me smile about your dance class!!

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You’ve prompted me to incorporate yoga into my routine. I used to do it every morning - it was amazing. Now is the time to hop back on the horse!

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Yay! And you inspire me to dance more often. 😍

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1. Hi, my name is Liza, I am a 50 year old CIS woman from Slovenia, living in Lisbon. I am a social anthropologist by training and have spent many years living in Sub Saharan Africa.

2. Sharing Secrets (and Other Useful Stuff) https://lizadebevec.substack.com

I write posts based on my experience as a life and career coach. I have recently written about the challenge of learning a new swimming technique at the age of 50. I hope my posts will give people courage and inspiration to do what they've been secretly dreaming of doing.

3. Dear Dreamer,

I know you are scared of putting your words out there in the fear of opinions and judgment by others.

But what if what is out there is love and acceptance and a community that has been waiting for you and is ready to welcome you in their arms, offering a warm embrace and a cup of hot cocoa.

If you don’t put your words out there, you will never meet them.

So go on, dip your toes in, be brave. You may be pleasantly surprised.

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Every time I have a new idea, I am paralyzed by anxiety. I am forever thinking nobody will understand it or want to take part. Then when I finally do it, there is warmth. Always a Rollercoaster 😅

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Love your intro Lisa and your dreamer message..

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I really felt this one Lisa….a community that is waiting for you ❤️ that has been my exact experience.

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You are so great at holding space for others. I can tell by your message to the Dreamer. 💕

I’m interested in what got you into becoming a social anthropologist. I love observing people, their behaviours and drawing lines and correlations around that. 😊

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Thanks for the shoutout Mika!

👋 1. Hi all ! I’m Noor from South San Francisco, California. Until March of this year I was a trial lawyer at an international law firm. I quit to pursue my dream of writing a science fiction novel. I finished my first draft in September and am slowly revising the manuscript. It's been fun.

✍️ 2. WRITE ON TRACK (https://www.noorwriteson.com/)

I write about my journey of pivoting from a legal career to full-time writing on my substack publication "Write on Track". There, I share my strategies for overcoming writer's block, self-doubt and creativity ruts. I also offer some tips on managing ADHD and making creative work a priority.

💬 3. Dear dreamer,

If you're lost about your direction in life, I urge you to ask yourself: what is work that others find painful but that you find enjoyable? What is work that you'd be willing to do over and over again purely from the joy of it? This is how I learned that I was meant to be a writer. I learned that I was willing to be a bad writer for as long as it took to become a good one. I was willing to put up with being poorly paid, overlooked, and generally derided just to have the pleasure of writing every day. It was my Matrix red pill blue pill moment. I hope this questions gives you clarity.

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I love that “Matrix blue pill red pill moment”! So wonderful when we realize that we have choices.

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Hey Noor!

Write On Track is so clever. Love it!

And those two questions sat with me at the beginning of 2023. I was frustrated with being an underpaid freelance social media manager. I realised what I really wanted to do was write but I didn't have enough practice outside of my job. I dedicated that year to pitching & writing. That was the best thing I ever did for myself!

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I love seeing so many of us having a pivot in our journey. It’s so exciting!

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That's a beautiful question and such a good one to just ponder for a bit!

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Oh my. My daughter is just about to start her law career next year in one of the top litigation firms (they do crown prosecution as well as corporate - but she’s been doing part time work at a small criminal defence firm and her heart seems to be in making sure the police etc use their power appropriately). I know it’s going to be a lot for her. She loves gaming, so that is her release. 😄

I’m excited about your journey ahead. And your publication name is so great!! ✨

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Thanks Mika! I’m sure your daughter is going to be great at law practice, her heart seems to be in the right place :) Congratulations to her for the prestigious new position, it’s really hard to be hired into those!

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Hi Noor, you are so brave to pursue your dream of being a writer. Very inspiring.

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Thanks Liza!

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I am Ann Richardson and write The Granny who Stands on Her Head. I am 82 and write quite a bit about being old. But I mostly write about anything that I think would be stimulating or might raise a smile. But you might be surprised that I love being old because you feel so comfortable in your own skin. And I do stand on my head and you can see me do so on a pinned post. My Substack is arichardson.substack.com

Dear dreamer. It’s ok, be yourself, grow into yourself as you grow older and do great things. Wishing you a lovely life.

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Awww your message is so warm and lovely! Thanks for joining in again Ann. I love people finding you! There’s not much granny’s who can stand on their head!

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I am told that the oldest participant in the yoga studio I go to is 94. I am just a child next to her, but intend to Keep on Going (the title of my most popular post).

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Hi! I’m Leanne from New York. For the longest time, I let the responsibility of a 9-5 distract me from my dreams of being a writer and full time creative. The less I try and control the outcome the more I find joy in pursuing what I love.

2. salt with soul: https://saltwithsoul.substack.com

3. I started my Substack as a way to write again, to get the lead out of my creative rut. I always loved food, having grown up with a chef father and in the restaurant industry, there is nothing better than sharing a good meal. Over time, I realized that I love teaching people “why”, while sharing a recipe. This month, I started streamlining my Substack and I’m obsessed with the new direction (a big thank you to Sarah Fay)

Dear dreamer, don’t let worry be the anchor on your flight.

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I love this for you Leanne! I quit my 9-5 this year, decided to take a risk with relatively no plan. It was taking over who I was and felt misaligned so I started the burnout rebellion. It’s been so lovely on here meeting so many people doing the same x

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Don't let worry be the anchor on your flight - that's beautiful, I'll remember that, thanks for sharing ❤️

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I can relate so much to this Leanne! I recently pivoted from a career in law to writing science fiction full time.

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what an incredible jump: that's incredible! Do you ever use your past cases as inspiration for your storylines?

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That doesn't happen much, but little bits of personality from all the interesting people I met in my legal career definitely make their way into my stories!

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Lovely advice. I look forward to reading your newsletter and recipes.

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thank you so much <3

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“Dear dreamer, don’t let worry be the anchor on your flight.” Oooft! I felt that!

Also this is so relatable, “The less I try and control the outcome the more I find joy in pursuing what I love.” 👀

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thank you <3 it's taken a long time to internalize that, and I never want another creative to get stuck, you know? We need all the art we can get in this world.

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I feel exactly the same way. I don’t want others to feel stuck or down on themselves. That’s what musings by mika is all about. 💕

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👋 1. Hi everyone, I'm Sarah. From Belgium but living in the UK.

✍️ 2. I'm a trained pastry chef and chocolatier and write about Belgian food, traditions and baking over at sarahfrison.substack.com .

💬 3. You're making me cry with this third one, dang. Answer this month’s prompt: Write a short message to the stuck, confused, hopeful, lost, scared, or wanderer. “Dear Dreamer, was this really a surprise? We had hope, yes, but we've seen the way people, some people, maybe a lot of people, are when asked to accommodate, to acknowledge, to look within, to see, to reflect, to try and hope they can see. We find solace in the online world but long for in-real-life connection, connection that allows us to be and be safe in understanding and breath.

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I thought I had life-long connections that would never end and so many friendships have slipped away over the years. I'm learning that you really can't plan for connections. They come to you in time. But they're a lot harder to find at this age. I'm grateful for my husband who provides a buffer against daily loneliness but I learned the hard way by being widowed previously that leaning too much on one person is not wise. So I keep looking!

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Hi Sarah 👋

Thanks for joining in again!

“We find solace in the online world but long for in-real-life connection” - I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that!! 💕

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Also, everyone wrote something positive 🙈

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You wrote from the heart. That’s what’s most important, Sarah. Xxxx

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Thank you Mika!

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Felt cute, might delete later😉

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don't delete, it's beautiful - and I actually appreciate that your reply is perhaps "less positive", it's real and from the heart (like Mika says) and we need all emotions in life, not just the happy ones

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Thank you Sophie!

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Hi 👋🏼 I’m Anna and I’m a Burnout Rebel 🔥 This year I quit my 9-5 with no plan, determined to find a life more aligned.


My substack is called The Burnout Rebellion and I write about;

1. My own journey back to nature and back to my purpose

2. Ways you can start your own Burnout Rebellion

3. How we can use nature to support our journey back to ourselves

Dear Dreamer, life can seem scary sometimes but remember you are a light worker. Who you are will light the path for another. Spend as much time as you can in pursuits that give you goosebumps and as your path unfolds you will inspire others along the way. Anything is possible ❤️✨

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I love the title of your Substack Anna. In many ways I identify with that rebel label - I have stepped out of the expectations of mainstream life to some extent too to create a life in which my body can thrive. This has meant stripping a lot of things away, working less, socialising less, choosing a smaller life, living by the sea, and structuring my week around the needs of my body, as best as I can. It's always a work in progress, but feels essential for health and survival.... Look forward to checking out your newsletter later when I have some free time 😊

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Thank you Vicki. It is definitely a journey isn’t it? I’m still battling the fast paced hustle in my head. I’ve had had some conversations recently with friends who are shocked I gave up a decent salary to earn significantly less. For me I’ve traded that in for contentment. It’s a wonderful ride to be on ❤️

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Yes me too. I took a big pay cut to be self-employed and work 3 days a week... Though in many ways I find the hardest thing to opt out of is social invitations. I want to maintain my relationships, but I don't want to spend my free time at social gatherings... not everyone gets that!

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So much hope in your message to the dreamer! Beautiful!

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Thank you ❤️✨

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