who talked about creating a semi-regular post to invite readers to introduce themselves in the comments. She also runs regular discussion threads, which are excellent!
, who uses emojis in her threads and had the great idea of providing an example response in the comments!
Ok, here's the nitty-gritty:
👋 1. Go to the comments and briefly introduce yourself
✍️ 2. Introduce your Substack and the two or three topics you write about
✨ 3. Answer this month’s prompt: Do you have a New Year tradition - like choosing a word for the year, reviewing 2024, making resolutions, creating a vision board?
💬 4. Then, introduce yourself in the comments to someone you haven’t met
💻 5. Go to their Substack and leave them a comment
Let's create a warm and welcoming community together. ✨
Hi! I'm Shonda Sinclair, hailing from the Pacific Northwest. I write ✍️ Roaming the Road (of Life) where I like to explore all aspects of positivity, journaling, and overcoming life's challenges. I want to feel accomplished this year, anand I don't do "resolutions" but I've dubbed 2025 The Year of Publishing. My focus this year is growing my body of work.
Hi, I'm Jules, live in the UK with my boyfriend and cat. I'm a 50, nearly 51-year-old, post-menopausal widow. It's been an eventful few years. I work for the Ambulance Service. I'm a massive geek and play tabletop role-playing games.
I write fantasy fiction, and my substack is a mixture of my thoughts and experiences, some with a magical twist. I'm also including short stories, and I'm working on book two in a YA series. I've also started a second publication based on grief.
My New Year tradition is writing on paper what I want to leave behind in the old year. Just before midnight, I burn it and then think about a good intention to bring it into the new year.
Took me a long time to realise writing is what I want to do.
Hi Jules, I love your New Year tradition, it's really a good one! I'd love to try it myself, hopefully I'll still remember it at the end of the year. 😉 Or, better, I'll do it in the summer when I'm turning 50. I think, that might be a wonderful opportunity, too. 🩷
Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, Belgian pastry chef in the UK. I write about Belgian food and baking over on sarahfrison.substack.com and share all my tips and tricks for making world-class patisserie or just baking something yummy in my book and recipe collections.
I don't really have any traditions for the new year I think😅.
Hi Sarah, I'm a fan of the Great British Bake Off and I've become obsessed with pastry and sourdough bread videos. I'm headed over to check out your pub.
Fun! No videos from me but I do have interesting, I think, articles and my book and recipe bundle are filled with tips for making everything I write about on here at home🙂.
🖐Hi All I'm Clarissa, living in Sweden heading home to Australia this year to rejoin my family.
I am Chinese Medicine practitioner focused on Qigong and Dietary Therapy for women going into menopause and beyond.
✍️My Substack is Heart of Menopause https://clarissakristjansson.substack.com It’s a weekly newsletter about navigating menopause using the wisdom of ancient practices.
✨️My word this year has become several. For myself Closure and Rebirth. For my community Connection and all women in the menopause transition Depolarization
Hi! I'm Beth Biss and I live in central PA in a little town. I'm a writer of Women's fiction. That means I write books I think will touch women's hearts. I write about the power of female friendships and thriving with an illness. (I personally have several chronic illnesses.)
I don't like to set resolutions, but I do like picking a word for the year. My word for 2025 is AUTHENTIC. I want to be authentic in my newsletter, in the books I write and especially with myself as I think about my illness and my abilities. (Chronically ill people do like to fool themselves and others about what they are capable of doing sometimes.)
Hi Beth, I love the word you have chosen! I'm tempted to add it to the one I've chosen so far (which is Joy). Well, who says you can't have two, right? 😇🥰
I'm off to have a look at your Substack, sounds interesting!
Oh, Highly Sensitive People also like to fool themselves about what they are capable of doing. Or at least I used to do (see my post Why I quit my favorite job). *sighs* I'm getting better, well, I try to.
✍️ My publication is The Orkney Outpost where I thought I was going to talk aout my house renovation and life in general in Orkney, Scotland after moving here a little over 2 years ago. Now it seems my brain wants to take us on a rambling route and I go anywhere from perimenopause, the garden, the random thoughts that go through my probably ND head through to the nuances of living on an island off an island off the Northern tip of Scotland in the North Sea.
🤯 I don't have any NY traditions, I did a word of the year for a few years but forgot it within about 10 minutes. I don't go for resolutions in general, especially at this time of year.
It’s pretty special - what about one of the Frisian islands - I know the Dutch ones but I believe there are a couple in Germany too. Or else move to Scotland one day maybe!
I actually do live in the North of Germany and those German North Frisian Islands aren't that far away, but they are way to touristy for me. I'd love a more remote and calmer place. Orkney, Shetland, Hebrides, Lofoten - that's more like it for me. I'll see what I can do. 🩷😀
Ah yes, I’ve been to 3 of the Dutch islands (my husband’s Dutch Frisian) and they are perfect for tourists. We’re heading to Terschelling in May for a family holiday. The Norwegian islands lots of love amazing, we were in the Bergen area a couple of years ago & it’s stunning
Greetings! I'm Evelyn, and I live in New Jersey with my Yorkie. I'm an ordained minister who writes about deconstruction/deconversion from religion and creativity as devotion.
Instead of resolutions at the start of the year, I choose a word of the year. Mine for 2025 is "Glow." I'm also in the process of creating a fresh vision board as there are lots of changes going on for me right now.🌞
Happy New Year! I'm Melissa and I write the publication Grow Healthier + Happier. You'll find topics on mindset, nutrition, energy, stressing less, etc. It's a true passion of mine to live a healthier/happy life, and to now share the journey and help others do the same.
My tradition for each new year is to create a yearly list of things I'd like to accomplish inspired by Gretchen Rubin. You come up with numbered list of things based on the year, so this year it's 25 for 25'. Last year was 24 for 24'... you get it! I've been doing this since 2019 and I LOVE creating the list each year. I will revisit my list monthly-ish. I write about it here on my Substack if you'd like to read: https://wellnesslovely.substack.com/p/what-i-wore-for-nye-and-how-to-create
Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a good new year so far. I’m Regina! I am an advertising copywriter from the Philippines and I write about writing and creativity. I also do occasional personal essays, hehe.
One New Year tradition I have, which is pretty common in the Philippines, is to have 12 fruits on the table in time for the Media Noche (midnight New Year’s feast). These symbolize 12 months of prosperity. My late grandma did this every year, and my mom and I do it, too.
Hi Jezz! This year I got saba bananas (a variety of bananas here in the PH), apples, oranges, ponkans, kiwis, grapes, lemons, pomelos, these giant Japanese apples my mom’s friend gifted us, and then I did a bit of a cheat code and used dried strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries that we keep for homemade trail mix.
My mom usually takes care of buying the fruits, cutting up bigger ones like watermelons and pineapples, but she’s quite sick with cancer so I had to take the lead this year. Hopefully next year will be better 🙏
Hi everyone and Happy New Year 🥳. I’m Bronwen and live in Bournemouth on the south coast of the UK where it’s currently about 2C! I’m not a winter person in general so have a tendency to hibernate. But this year I’m going self employed and starting up a social media business for local authors. Feeling a little worried about social media imploding right now though! It’s not what it once was.
My main substack is Clearing Out where I talk about my house and the process of decluttering it - and also life in general getting back to a simpler place where creativity will gain space to thrive again. I set up a second stack called Me Before The Mess but I’m yet to really get it off the ground - definitely a goal for this year.
On New Year’s Eve I tend to watch films and write in my journal about my hopes and dreams for the coming year. I love a fresh start and chose FRESH as my word of the year - first time I’ve done this as inspired by a couple of people here on Substack. I am now wanting to create a vision board too. I’ve been a bit poorly with a nasty cough and strained rib muscles so it’s been a necessarily slower start to the year than I hoped.
I am also wanting to create a vision board! I just went on a declutter binge over the first week of January as I took that week off and it felt SO GOOD! I'll go peek at your Substack!
Thank you Melissa! It does feel good to clear stuff. I’m having to be careful just now with the injury to my muscles - but am raring to get back to it! 💚
Hi folks. I'm a naturopathic physician, specializing in sleep health and disorders over my entire adult life. It's my passion, which I share at @beaskilledsleeper (https://www.beaskilledsleeper.com). We talk about sleep health & disorders, circadian rhythms, and how to use sleep to fuel your life. This new year rather than setting resolutions, I'm going with two words: "Joy" and "Consistency." Nice to be in community here with you all!
Hello Dr. Catherine! Sleep is super important for a person like me, a woman who lives with several chronic illnesses. I like your words! I also create a word for myself and avoid resolutions,
Sleep and chronic illness are so intertwined, they often feed into each other, either positively or negatively. If there’s a specific topic that’d help you please let me know 🙂
Greetings, Dr. Darley. One of the gifts of menopause was unrelenting insomnia. I've subscribed to your publication to see if maybe there's something I've not tried yet that can help me sleep better!
Hi Rev Evelyn, Sorry to hear that, it’s such a common experience. Is there any specific question I can answer for you? I could focus a newsletter there
Hello all. I'm Sharon from Milton Keynes in England. I had always loved words and so I write both for fun and for a living. I'm the communications lead for a medium sized charity. For fun I write short stories and poetry. One day I'll get a novel out into the world.
My substack is Looking to the Horizon. https://sharonjclark.substack.com/ I write about all sorts of things and have developed a recent habit of having three elements to my posts: something about life, something book-related, and one of my poems. I hope my posts bring encouragement and a calm oasis in a world of busy activity.
My word for the year is Silence. Not that I'm planning to be silent. I simply find the concept to be endlessly fascinating.
Thank you Mika for providing a place to meet other writers.
Hi everyone! I'm Claudia from Germany, writer, book & cat lover, former librarian, and on a quest to connect with nature more.
Happy Quiet Life is an HSP's & introvert's view on the world with reflections and stories from living a slow & quiet life filled with books (monthly reviews) and a love for nature. In 2025 I started a new weekly post series about What Made Me Happy in the past week that focuses on giving attention to the good things, in all forms, big or small, that I encounter throughout the respective week. And I'd LOVE to hear from others what has made them happy each week.
Thank you, glad it resonates with you! For me it has become extra important to focus on all the good things because of mental health issues that like to flare up, but I think everyone can benefit from it, right? Life can be tough for several reasons and to look for the small, lovely bits that make you happy can make things a little bit easier, more hopeful, more beautiful. 🩷
Thank you so much, Hannah, I'm glad it resonates with you! Looking out for all the small things that are good every day that may otherwise go unnoticed is something that has become a lovely, helpful, healthy habit for me.
Hi Claudia, your topic resonates, as I think most of us could benefit from more silence. And definitely from more Nature time. Checking out your substack now, looking forward to hearing your perspective.
Hi everyone! I'm Serena, a mom of 3 teens, writer, and nonprofit leader living in the (brrr cold) Midwest. I write about parenting teens with mental health challenges and neurodiversity, through the lens of faith, hope and authenticity. My Substack is called Evidence of Grace, because I wanted to keep track of the gifts along a hard journey.
I usually struggle with decision fatigue, which makes it harder to come up with a word for the year. But this year, I chose the word "savor." I tend to go through life too fast, but as my teens grow up fast and leave home, I want to savor my time with them, with my husband and friends, with God, and with the beauty in nature around me.
I also loved Emily P. Freeman's practice of reflecting on 2024 through the lens of what worked and what didn't work. It feels gentle and helpful.
Hi Serena, I've been living abroad since 2009, and don't have any plans to return to the US. As far as play, it's my word of the yr, so I'll be looking for more opportunities to be social and silly! Thanks, xo
👋 1. Hi, and Happy New Year to all of you! I'm Jana, currently living in the UK
✍️ 2. I publish a Coffee Break Newsletter every Wednesday.
Topics: Non-fiction books, interviews with other writers and book recommendations
✨ 3. I used to have a New Year’s tradition—planning out ten thousand goals I would accomplish that year + updating my vision board. This year, I took a different approach. One goal for my publication. This year is about doing as little as possible and filling in free time with reading and writing. Massive slow down.
I’m Rose — and I write A Look Inside the Mind, which explores big questions about the human mind and the nature of our existence. I’ve written about emotion, free will, existentialism, mortality — generally a blend of psychology and philosophy. 🧠
For New Years, I like to create a Notion page that breaks down my goals by category. One of my goals last year was to launch this newsletter and get 50 subscribers. I’m thrilled to have made it happen 😊
I'm Gabrijela, a teacher living in Croatia, and I love travel, a lot. That's why I started a publication called Journey Jots https://journeyjots.substack.com/ where I write about culture gems in Europe, and I try to use as many photos as possible. I also post travel tips, and regularly post recommendation pieces where I showcase my readers and the pubs I subscibe to.
My word of the year is CREATION, because I would like to see where this publication can take me.
I love to travel too so I'm looking forward to reading your Journey Jots.
I've been to Dbrovnik which I adored. One day I'll get back to Croatia and visit some of the other cities.
I sometimes include travel stories in my substack Looking to the Horizon https://sharonjclark.substack.com/ At the end of January I'm going to India and then on to Kenya.
Hi everyone! I'm Jael. On my Substack, 4 Buckets, I write about food, books, and the shot Lost. I don't have any resolutions this year, rather I have some goals: read 40 books, be in a better financial position by the end of 2025, and better manage my 5-9 time after work (making more time for hobbies).
Hi Everyone! I'm Lauren, a former financier from Boston, USA turned fashion designer now living in Milan, Italy. My Substack is called The Creative CFO. It's a place where strategy meets creativity in business finance and provides CFO-level insights for small business owners, content creators and writers ready to uplevel their business acumen (no math skills required).
Occasionally I post about fashion and building a business and new life abroad for some lighter topics. I'm still experimenting with different ways to share non-finance related content on Substack either through possibly creating a second Substack or having different sections on my existing Substack. Has anyone had any experience with either?
For New Years, I normally make a vision board but I find that writing in my journal is more effective in the sense of manifesting. This year I adopted an Italian tradition in honor of ringing in the New Year in my new country and I enjoyed lentils at midnight. It's said the more lentils you eat, the more money you will attract in the new year.
Nice to meet you, Lauren! Will check out your Substack now - your intro reminded me of an advertising company I once worked with and their philosophy of Strategic Creativity!
Hi Lauren, I looked at sections but ended up creating a second SubStack - I can’t remember why now. Might have been to keep the two separate in my head. But why not experiment with a section and see how it goes :)
Lauren, nice to meet you. That's so interesting that you write in your journal to find your purpose and vision - I'm similar. And I love lentils! I've thought about sections but haven't really experimented with them yet.
Hi, I’m Vanessa and I don’t have a word for the year (I feel like I’m at an AA meeting or similar now 😂). I write weekly about pottery, my garden and life in general - unless I’m travelling in which case it’s usually more about the photos! If there’s anything I’m trying to embrace this year it’s about ditching the feeling or urgency to move onto the next task instead of enjoying what I’m currently doing. Thanks for facilitating this Mika. x
My aunt is a potter and I really want to try doing some more. I might see if she’ll have space for me in a class this year - only she’s a 4.5 hr drive away - mini break time :)
I’m no teacher, but have had fun with a couple of my own nieces in the studio - I’m sure your aunt will welcome you with open arms (especially if you offer to do some wedging and kneading 😂) xx
Exactly! I read Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman towards the end of 2024 and am in the processing of compiling all of my highlights from it. It really helped give me a new perspective on time and how I spend it.
Hi, I'm Rachel, a Chinese-Malaysian living in Germany with my little family. I am exploring to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life by wearing many hats-mother, writer, and a tech consultant.
My substack is Conscious Living, where I write long essays exploring ideas and thoughts surrounding it, and bi-weekly practice prompts for a more mindful living.
My word of the year is Connection. I seek to connect with myself, my loved ones, my friends, nature, people and the world at large. This ties in nicely to my conscious living ethos, too!
Hi Rachel, conscious living is something I also focus on. I just have to check out your blog! 😀 Lovely to meet someone who also lives in Germany. I live just north of Hamburg.
What a fab word! I don’t know if I’ve come up with a word yet, but a word that came to me today was “ease” and yesterday I wrote “coming home” - coming home to myself. ✨
Hello from Los Angeles! (3)I just celebrated 20 years of living here (the anniversary was New Year's Day) by inviting friends over for a vision board party. I scored a stack of magazines off Buy Nothing, asked everyone to bring their own scissors, supplied card and glue, and loved how creative everyone got with their visions for 2025. A week later, the city has gone up in flames but I'm hoping that wasn't because of any secret desires my guests expressed...
(2)There are three strands to my Substack, The Haunted Path. I am writing a series of articles about the foundation of Hollywood, as a place as well as a state of mind. Then, I occasionally spit out flash fiction, usually inspired by the fabulous Fictionistas. Finally, I write about monsters, as my (1) day job is as a writer and story consultant in the film and TV business, specializing in horror (and horror history).
Apologies for not answering the prompt questions in the correct order, but my neurodivergent brain doesn't work that way. I'm looking forward to meeting some new Substackers this way - thank you Mika!
Love how you hosted a vision board party, Karina! And I imagine it's difficult to be in LA right now. I hope you are safe! Sounds like your Substack is a lot of fun.
Thanks for this space, Mika! I'm an intuitive IFS therapist, podcast host, and author. I write about recovering from people-pleasing, religious trauma, and childhood wounds. I am an empath and am exploring what that means and how to care for ourselves and share our gifts. I'm exploring neurodiversity and have a workshop coming up 1/27/25 where you can explore and better understand your particular flavor of neurodiversity. I also have workshops coming up on the Enneagram, reacting differently to triggers, empathy, and through all of it, how we can alchemize this transitional moment in time. My thread and focus through everything is this liminal moment in history when so much is changing - how to compost it into something transformative and life-giving.
sounds like we have a lot in common, Catherine! I am also recovering from people-pleasing and childhood wounds, love the Enneagram, write about neurodiversity, and think about reacting to triggers. Love that you're writing about this.
Hello. I am Chris. I write fiction, a memoir and devotionals. I am currently writing a series called Sentient. I try and release a chapter every 1 to 2 weeks. My memoir is, "The nut that runs the retirement hut." I am a LTC administrator and nurse by trade. I have written and released my first book, "Cast Shadows: A Jack Blackmon Trial." My saying this year, "Why not me."
Hii Mika! So happy to see you back. Wishing a very happy and prosperous new year to my Substack aunty🥰
I have been meaning to connect with more amazing and lovely people on Substack and what better way to do so than participating in Find Your Tribe.
1. Hey everyone 👋, I am Mansi and I live in India. I work full-time in reinsurance, currently studying to become a qualified Actuary and also the author of my weekly newsletter called Unwind (my biggest achievement in life).
2. As someone who lives a busy life, Unwind is the space that allows me to slow down. I write every week with the intention that my readers can feel the same level of calm and joy that I associate with my newsletter. Unwind is all about intentionality, embracing peace and finding joy in little things.
3. In my week off from work, I journaled extensively about my reflections on 2024 and intertions for the new year. It inspired me to create a Vision Board for the first time ever! Two words I would like to focus on this year would be ‘intention’ and ‘balance’. I can’t wait to see my vision board everyday, framed on my bedside table in a couple days from now!
I've been planning to do a vision board for ever, I have a stack of magazines, and never sit down to select the images. What was your vision board process?
I tried to be intentional about the whole process. I penned down my reflections for 2024 on a piece of paper which allowed me to appreciate how far I’ve come and also identify the areas I needed to work on.
Then I wrote down my intentions for the new year. I used the following prompts: my top 3 priorities for 2025, my financial goals for 2025, health goals, community goals, relationship goals, 5 things I want to learn this year, 3 things/habits I want to change in January to direct myself towards the vision etc.
I had a clearer picture that way when I went to Pinterest and saved images for my vision board. I created a simple collage on Canva which will get framed so that I can keep it close.
I really hope this helps! I’d say just go for it, you will not regret spending time on creating your vision board 😁
So lovely to see you Mansi! Thanks for joining in. 😊
I started collecting images in a Pintrest board with the intention of doing a vision board. My daughter made one last year and kept it on the lock screen by her phone and she swears by it.
I love the fact that a vision board allows one to dream. Sometimes we unintentionally limit our potential and end up feeling like our world is limited to the environment we live in. I had really been feeling that way towards the end of 2024 so this activity truly came in as a blessing!
I'm a firm believer in trying our best to be intentional with how we spend our time so I love that that's one of your words for 2025!
Vision boards are such fun projects! This reminds me that I wanted to create one for this year and haven't done it yet. I may experiment with creating a digital one!
👋 1. Hi Mika and all! I'm Cassandra and I live on an island on the west coast of Canada with my husband and our dog, Chewie.
I'm self-employed and work as a virtual assistant to female entrepreneurs in a variety of industries.
✍️ 2. My Substack is called Notes from a Kindred Spirit. (https://cassandrabumpus.substack.com/) It's a bi-weekly newsletter about embracing curiosity, exploring hobbies, living with chronic illness, and finding contentment in the everyday. I talk a lot about two of my favourite things: books and Bullet Journaling!
✨ 3. Every year I print off and fill our Susannah Conway's Unravel Your Year workbook. It has lots of prompts to reflect on the past year and think about the year ahead. I also usually pick a word or phrase of the year. Last year my word was "nurture" and, a bit uncharacteristically for me, I haven't chosen one for 2025 yet! But, I trust that it will come to me.
Oh how lovely! My parents visited Scotland in 2019 and I hope to get there in the near future too! Part of the beauty of working as a VA is that it's easier to travel. 😉
Love that you write about finding contentment alongside chronic illness. My daughter struggles with chronic illness and it's not easy to find contentment when her body is in pain. You write with a lot of hope! Curious about Conway's workbook too!
So happy to get to know you a little bit. I think it’s so amazing that you didn’t force yourself to come up with a word for the year at the start itself. The pressure to sort your goals for the entire year as soon as it starts can be crazy. I love that you are taking your time and letting your word for the year come to you.
Hi Cassandra, I have not heard of the Susannah Conway workbook, but will definitely look it up. I don't have a firm idea on the word of the year for me, but I am thinking it could be Exploration (of my self and all kinds of new things (ideas, places, practices etc).
👋 1. Hi, I am Liza, originally from Slovenia, but now living in Lisbon after 10 years in Ethiopia.
✍️ 2. I write a Substack Sharing Secrets (and Other Useful Stuff) https://lizadebevec.substack.com I share tips and ideas that have helped me and my coaching clients.
In the notes I also write about my life as an expat and the challenges connected with that.
✨ 3. I've been following Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast for several years and doing the annual lists. This year I am doing the 25 in 25 list.
I've also been doing January yoga challenge with Yoga with Adriene since 2021.
This year, for the first time I also hosted an free online workshop for people to review their 2024 and create a vision for 2025. I really enjoyed that and I think it will become my yearly practice.
That's really lovely that you created a space for people to review their 2024 and vision for 2025. Have you ever tried Fightmaster Yoga? That's my favorite.
Hi Liza! I love Yoga with Adriene. I used to follow her instructions on my kitchen floor with a mat, of course. I have to check out the challenge and get back into it.
I've been listening to the Happier podcast for years, too! In 2023, my phrase for the year was a quote from Gretchen: "Choose the bigger life." I'm excited that they're doing a read 25 in 25 challenge this year!
It’s my little happy place. I get to connect with like-minded people who are trying to figure out this thing called life - who are also stepping into their creative journey through writing and stepping outside of their comfort zone.
I share my Substack journey, help others connect, and talk openly about my fears and triumphs of this new stage of my life.
✨ 3. I’ve really enjoyed taking some time out to write down:
♥ What is my dream life?
♥ How do I want to feel this year?
♥ What would make 2025 my best year yet?
Based on that, I come up with a basic daily plan to incorporates the things I wrote about.
I love your questions about how you want to feel this year and what would make 2025 your best year yet! Have a wonderful year, Mika, and thanks for sharing! 🩷
Mika, you always have good ideas! Your questions are really wise. I am going to sit with them too. It's easy for me to consider what I want to do this year - but your question is "how do I want to feel this year" which is such a good one! And hardly ever asked. Thanks for sharing!
Hi! I'm Shonda Sinclair, hailing from the Pacific Northwest. I write ✍️ Roaming the Road (of Life) where I like to explore all aspects of positivity, journaling, and overcoming life's challenges. I want to feel accomplished this year, anand I don't do "resolutions" but I've dubbed 2025 The Year of Publishing. My focus this year is growing my body of work.
Hi, I'm Jules, live in the UK with my boyfriend and cat. I'm a 50, nearly 51-year-old, post-menopausal widow. It's been an eventful few years. I work for the Ambulance Service. I'm a massive geek and play tabletop role-playing games.
I write fantasy fiction, and my substack is a mixture of my thoughts and experiences, some with a magical twist. I'm also including short stories, and I'm working on book two in a YA series. I've also started a second publication based on grief.
My New Year tradition is writing on paper what I want to leave behind in the old year. Just before midnight, I burn it and then think about a good intention to bring it into the new year.
Took me a long time to realise writing is what I want to do.
Hi Jules, I love your New Year tradition, it's really a good one! I'd love to try it myself, hopefully I'll still remember it at the end of the year. 😉 Or, better, I'll do it in the summer when I'm turning 50. I think, that might be a wonderful opportunity, too. 🩷
Thanks for sharing and all the best to you!
Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, Belgian pastry chef in the UK. I write about Belgian food and baking over on sarahfrison.substack.com and share all my tips and tricks for making world-class patisserie or just baking something yummy in my book and recipe collections.
I don't really have any traditions for the new year I think😅.
Hi Sarah, I'm a fan of the Great British Bake Off and I've become obsessed with pastry and sourdough bread videos. I'm headed over to check out your pub.
Fun! No videos from me but I do have interesting, I think, articles and my book and recipe bundle are filled with tips for making everything I write about on here at home🙂.
Hi 👋🏽 I’m Nneka (pronounced en-Nay-kah) I’m a Trini-born safe and Oracle. I write about caregiving, third culture, and crafting a life you love.
To plan my year, I do a blend of word of the year, smart goals, and 12-week year.
I just shared an epic post with my goals for 2025.
Love this Mika!
🖐Hi All I'm Clarissa, living in Sweden heading home to Australia this year to rejoin my family.
I am Chinese Medicine practitioner focused on Qigong and Dietary Therapy for women going into menopause and beyond.
✍️My Substack is Heart of Menopause https://clarissakristjansson.substack.com It’s a weekly newsletter about navigating menopause using the wisdom of ancient practices.
✨️My word this year has become several. For myself Closure and Rebirth. For my community Connection and all women in the menopause transition Depolarization
I love what you do. I found Pilates good for grief and perimenopause. So much so that I studied it. Will check out your substack
Me too, so glad I found an amazing pilates studio in Bondi in my perimenopause years - way before it was mainstream.
aaw Sweden is gonna miss you 😊
Hi! I'm Beth Biss and I live in central PA in a little town. I'm a writer of Women's fiction. That means I write books I think will touch women's hearts. I write about the power of female friendships and thriving with an illness. (I personally have several chronic illnesses.)
I don't like to set resolutions, but I do like picking a word for the year. My word for 2025 is AUTHENTIC. I want to be authentic in my newsletter, in the books I write and especially with myself as I think about my illness and my abilities. (Chronically ill people do like to fool themselves and others about what they are capable of doing sometimes.)
Hi Beth, I love the word you have chosen! I'm tempted to add it to the one I've chosen so far (which is Joy). Well, who says you can't have two, right? 😇🥰
I'm off to have a look at your Substack, sounds interesting!
Oh, Highly Sensitive People also like to fool themselves about what they are capable of doing. Or at least I used to do (see my post Why I quit my favorite job). *sighs* I'm getting better, well, I try to.
👋 Hello, I'm Hannah.
✍️ My publication is The Orkney Outpost where I thought I was going to talk aout my house renovation and life in general in Orkney, Scotland after moving here a little over 2 years ago. Now it seems my brain wants to take us on a rambling route and I go anywhere from perimenopause, the garden, the random thoughts that go through my probably ND head through to the nuances of living on an island off an island off the Northern tip of Scotland in the North Sea.
🤯 I don't have any NY traditions, I did a word of the year for a few years but forgot it within about 10 minutes. I don't go for resolutions in general, especially at this time of year.
🔗 You can find me here: https://substack.com/@orkneyoutpost
Glad I'm not the only one who could come up with a new year tradition🙂
Ah brilliant - that makes me feel more normal, I was beginning to think I was the only one without a tradition!
Haha, you're welcome💃!
Hi Hannah, wow, what a wonderful place to live! I'd love to live on a remote island in the North one day. Definitely a place of longing! 🩷
It’s pretty special - what about one of the Frisian islands - I know the Dutch ones but I believe there are a couple in Germany too. Or else move to Scotland one day maybe!
I actually do live in the North of Germany and those German North Frisian Islands aren't that far away, but they are way to touristy for me. I'd love a more remote and calmer place. Orkney, Shetland, Hebrides, Lofoten - that's more like it for me. I'll see what I can do. 🩷😀
Ah yes, I’ve been to 3 of the Dutch islands (my husband’s Dutch Frisian) and they are perfect for tourists. We’re heading to Terschelling in May for a family holiday. The Norwegian islands lots of love amazing, we were in the Bergen area a couple of years ago & it’s stunning
Greetings! I'm Evelyn, and I live in New Jersey with my Yorkie. I'm an ordained minister who writes about deconstruction/deconversion from religion and creativity as devotion.
Instead of resolutions at the start of the year, I choose a word of the year. Mine for 2025 is "Glow." I'm also in the process of creating a fresh vision board as there are lots of changes going on for me right now.🌞
You are gonna glow this year! 😁
That sounds very interesting!
I enjoyed your post on the finger labyrinth. I’ll play with it during meetings.
Happy New Year! I'm Melissa and I write the publication Grow Healthier + Happier. You'll find topics on mindset, nutrition, energy, stressing less, etc. It's a true passion of mine to live a healthier/happy life, and to now share the journey and help others do the same.
My tradition for each new year is to create a yearly list of things I'd like to accomplish inspired by Gretchen Rubin. You come up with numbered list of things based on the year, so this year it's 25 for 25'. Last year was 24 for 24'... you get it! I've been doing this since 2019 and I LOVE creating the list each year. I will revisit my list monthly-ish. I write about it here on my Substack if you'd like to read: https://wellnesslovely.substack.com/p/what-i-wore-for-nye-and-how-to-create
Hi Melissa! I think women finding ways to be happier and healthier is extremely important!
Hi Melissa, your topics resonate with me. Looking forward to checking out your blog more thorouhly. :)
That makes me so happy Claudia!
Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a good new year so far. I’m Regina! I am an advertising copywriter from the Philippines and I write about writing and creativity. I also do occasional personal essays, hehe.
One New Year tradition I have, which is pretty common in the Philippines, is to have 12 fruits on the table in time for the Media Noche (midnight New Year’s feast). These symbolize 12 months of prosperity. My late grandma did this every year, and my mom and I do it, too.
Nice to meet you all!
What where these 12 fruits? Just curios 😁
Hi Jezz! This year I got saba bananas (a variety of bananas here in the PH), apples, oranges, ponkans, kiwis, grapes, lemons, pomelos, these giant Japanese apples my mom’s friend gifted us, and then I did a bit of a cheat code and used dried strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries that we keep for homemade trail mix.
My mom usually takes care of buying the fruits, cutting up bigger ones like watermelons and pineapples, but she’s quite sick with cancer so I had to take the lead this year. Hopefully next year will be better 🙏
Hello, Regina! I'm a marketing copywriter in the U.S. I checked out your publication and you've got some great content.
Thank you, Evelyn! Nice to meet you. :)
Hi everyone and Happy New Year 🥳. I’m Bronwen and live in Bournemouth on the south coast of the UK where it’s currently about 2C! I’m not a winter person in general so have a tendency to hibernate. But this year I’m going self employed and starting up a social media business for local authors. Feeling a little worried about social media imploding right now though! It’s not what it once was.
My main substack is Clearing Out where I talk about my house and the process of decluttering it - and also life in general getting back to a simpler place where creativity will gain space to thrive again. I set up a second stack called Me Before The Mess but I’m yet to really get it off the ground - definitely a goal for this year.
On New Year’s Eve I tend to watch films and write in my journal about my hopes and dreams for the coming year. I love a fresh start and chose FRESH as my word of the year - first time I’ve done this as inspired by a couple of people here on Substack. I am now wanting to create a vision board too. I’ve been a bit poorly with a nasty cough and strained rib muscles so it’s been a necessarily slower start to the year than I hoped.
I am also wanting to create a vision board! I just went on a declutter binge over the first week of January as I took that week off and it felt SO GOOD! I'll go peek at your Substack!
Thank you Melissa! It does feel good to clear stuff. I’m having to be careful just now with the injury to my muscles - but am raring to get back to it! 💚
Baby steps! Cheers to you healing very soon…
Thank you :)
Hi folks. I'm a naturopathic physician, specializing in sleep health and disorders over my entire adult life. It's my passion, which I share at @beaskilledsleeper (https://www.beaskilledsleeper.com). We talk about sleep health & disorders, circadian rhythms, and how to use sleep to fuel your life. This new year rather than setting resolutions, I'm going with two words: "Joy" and "Consistency." Nice to be in community here with you all!
Hello Dr. Catherine! Sleep is super important for a person like me, a woman who lives with several chronic illnesses. I like your words! I also create a word for myself and avoid resolutions,
Sleep and chronic illness are so intertwined, they often feed into each other, either positively or negatively. If there’s a specific topic that’d help you please let me know 🙂
Greetings, Dr. Darley. One of the gifts of menopause was unrelenting insomnia. I've subscribed to your publication to see if maybe there's something I've not tried yet that can help me sleep better!
Hi Rev Evelyn, Sorry to hear that, it’s such a common experience. Is there any specific question I can answer for you? I could focus a newsletter there
Hello all. I'm Sharon from Milton Keynes in England. I had always loved words and so I write both for fun and for a living. I'm the communications lead for a medium sized charity. For fun I write short stories and poetry. One day I'll get a novel out into the world.
My substack is Looking to the Horizon. https://sharonjclark.substack.com/ I write about all sorts of things and have developed a recent habit of having three elements to my posts: something about life, something book-related, and one of my poems. I hope my posts bring encouragement and a calm oasis in a world of busy activity.
My word for the year is Silence. Not that I'm planning to be silent. I simply find the concept to be endlessly fascinating.
Thank you Mika for providing a place to meet other writers.
When I hear the word "Silence", I thinking of being in a forest and just hearing the wind and birds sing. 😊
I mean, subscribed!
Hi everyone! I'm Claudia from Germany, writer, book & cat lover, former librarian, and on a quest to connect with nature more.
Happy Quiet Life is an HSP's & introvert's view on the world with reflections and stories from living a slow & quiet life filled with books (monthly reviews) and a love for nature. In 2025 I started a new weekly post series about What Made Me Happy in the past week that focuses on giving attention to the good things, in all forms, big or small, that I encounter throughout the respective week. And I'd LOVE to hear from others what has made them happy each week.
My word for the year is JOY! 🥰
I'm glad to meet you all!
Thank you Mika! 💝
Hi Claudia! What is an HSP? I am Enneagram personality type 9. So glad to see that your newsletter is all about JOY!
Hi Beth, HSP stands for Highly Sensitive Person. https://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/
Thank you, glad it resonates with you! For me it has become extra important to focus on all the good things because of mental health issues that like to flare up, but I think everyone can benefit from it, right? Life can be tough for several reasons and to look for the small, lovely bits that make you happy can make things a little bit easier, more hopeful, more beautiful. 🩷
I love the sound of What Made Me Happy, it's a great way to reflect and appreciate.
Thank you so much, Hannah, I'm glad it resonates with you! Looking out for all the small things that are good every day that may otherwise go unnoticed is something that has become a lovely, helpful, healthy habit for me.
I might adopt it! I started logging good things in my business this week in an effort to recognise progress, so might addd life too 😊
Great, it sounds as if you were off to a very mindful and happy year! 😊
Hello, Claudia. I'm a HSP (INFJ) and an introvert's introvert. I also love nature and I'd love to spend more time connecting with it.
Hello Evelyn, pleased to meet a fellow INFJ. 😊 Have a lovely day!
Hi Claudia, your topic resonates, as I think most of us could benefit from more silence. And definitely from more Nature time. Checking out your substack now, looking forward to hearing your perspective.
Thank you, Catherine! Glad it resonates with you!
Hi everyone! I'm Serena, a mom of 3 teens, writer, and nonprofit leader living in the (brrr cold) Midwest. I write about parenting teens with mental health challenges and neurodiversity, through the lens of faith, hope and authenticity. My Substack is called Evidence of Grace, because I wanted to keep track of the gifts along a hard journey.
I usually struggle with decision fatigue, which makes it harder to come up with a word for the year. But this year, I chose the word "savor." I tend to go through life too fast, but as my teens grow up fast and leave home, I want to savor my time with them, with my husband and friends, with God, and with the beauty in nature around me.
I also loved Emily P. Freeman's practice of reflecting on 2024 through the lens of what worked and what didn't work. It feels gentle and helpful.
Glad to meet you all!
1, Hellooo! I'm Lani, an American teaching in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
2. No Girl is an Island is currently where I'm serializing my quirky and unconventional memoir, Misfortune Cookie!
3. Words of the year are: PLAY, WONDER, and REST!
Nice to meet all y'all! 💝
That memoir title is just brilliant! Looking forward to the next chapter.
I love the words you have chosen! Have a wonderful year! 🤩
Thank you, Claudia. You too! xxoo
Sounds so interesting, Lani! How long will you be in Cambodia? And what do you do to play there?
Hi Serena, I've been living abroad since 2009, and don't have any plans to return to the US. As far as play, it's my word of the yr, so I'll be looking for more opportunities to be social and silly! Thanks, xo
👋 1. Hi, and Happy New Year to all of you! I'm Jana, currently living in the UK
✍️ 2. I publish a Coffee Break Newsletter every Wednesday.
Topics: Non-fiction books, interviews with other writers and book recommendations
✨ 3. I used to have a New Year’s tradition—planning out ten thousand goals I would accomplish that year + updating my vision board. This year, I took a different approach. One goal for my publication. This year is about doing as little as possible and filling in free time with reading and writing. Massive slow down.
Hi Jana! Doing as little as possible sounds like a great goal! Take care of yourself and enjoy your coffee!
LOVE the plan
Your newsletter sounds really interesting, your topics are right up my alley! I'm off to check it out. 😊
Excellent plan! Less stress, no lists, more reading and writing, slowing down. I am on that path, too. 🩷
I love your plan to do less and keep it simple, Jana!
I’m Rose — and I write A Look Inside the Mind, which explores big questions about the human mind and the nature of our existence. I’ve written about emotion, free will, existentialism, mortality — generally a blend of psychology and philosophy. 🧠
For New Years, I like to create a Notion page that breaks down my goals by category. One of my goals last year was to launch this newsletter and get 50 subscribers. I’m thrilled to have made it happen 😊
Looking forward to meeting you here!
That's fantastic! I look forward to reading 📚 your posts.
Nice to meet you, Rose. I took a peek at your about and latest post. Commented and subscribed!
Wonderful! I’m so glad to connect here ✨
Way to go, Rose! Sounds like you explore fascinating topics!
Congratulations, Rose, on accomplishing your goal 👏
Hi, everyone!
I'm Gabrijela, a teacher living in Croatia, and I love travel, a lot. That's why I started a publication called Journey Jots https://journeyjots.substack.com/ where I write about culture gems in Europe, and I try to use as many photos as possible. I also post travel tips, and regularly post recommendation pieces where I showcase my readers and the pubs I subscibe to.
My word of the year is CREATION, because I would like to see where this publication can take me.
Hi Gabi
I love to travel too so I'm looking forward to reading your Journey Jots.
I've been to Dbrovnik which I adored. One day I'll get back to Croatia and visit some of the other cities.
I sometimes include travel stories in my substack Looking to the Horizon https://sharonjclark.substack.com/ At the end of January I'm going to India and then on to Kenya.
Lovely to meet you.
Have fun in India and Kenya, wow!
Thanks for subscribing! Glad you visited Dubrovnik, there so much more to see, especially islands, the national parks and the capital.
Gabi, can't wait to see your photos and tips! Sounds so valuable!
Thank you for the comment, I hope you'll find valuable content in my publication!
Hi everyone! I'm Jael. On my Substack, 4 Buckets, I write about food, books, and the shot Lost. I don't have any resolutions this year, rather I have some goals: read 40 books, be in a better financial position by the end of 2025, and better manage my 5-9 time after work (making more time for hobbies).
Hi, Jael. Have you selected your 40 books yet?
No. I'm a bit of a mood reader. Once I finish one book, I stare at my shelves looking for my next read. 😊
Hi Everyone! I'm Lauren, a former financier from Boston, USA turned fashion designer now living in Milan, Italy. My Substack is called The Creative CFO. It's a place where strategy meets creativity in business finance and provides CFO-level insights for small business owners, content creators and writers ready to uplevel their business acumen (no math skills required).
Occasionally I post about fashion and building a business and new life abroad for some lighter topics. I'm still experimenting with different ways to share non-finance related content on Substack either through possibly creating a second Substack or having different sections on my existing Substack. Has anyone had any experience with either?
For New Years, I normally make a vision board but I find that writing in my journal is more effective in the sense of manifesting. This year I adopted an Italian tradition in honor of ringing in the New Year in my new country and I enjoyed lentils at midnight. It's said the more lentils you eat, the more money you will attract in the new year.
Thank you Mika for this opportunity!
Nice to meet you, Lauren! Will check out your Substack now - your intro reminded me of an advertising company I once worked with and their philosophy of Strategic Creativity!
Hi Lauren, I looked at sections but ended up creating a second SubStack - I can’t remember why now. Might have been to keep the two separate in my head. But why not experiment with a section and see how it goes :)
Lauren, nice to meet you. That's so interesting that you write in your journal to find your purpose and vision - I'm similar. And I love lentils! I've thought about sections but haven't really experimented with them yet.
Hi, I’m Vanessa and I don’t have a word for the year (I feel like I’m at an AA meeting or similar now 😂). I write weekly about pottery, my garden and life in general - unless I’m travelling in which case it’s usually more about the photos! If there’s anything I’m trying to embrace this year it’s about ditching the feeling or urgency to move onto the next task instead of enjoying what I’m currently doing. Thanks for facilitating this Mika. x
I feel like I'm at an AA meeting 🤣
I also don't have a word of the year!
Hurrah for us no worders 🙌🏻 Maybe we don’t all need one? Or maybe a word of the month/week/day is more appropriate depending on attention span?! Xx
I found that I just forgot it as soon as I set it!! 😂
See! Maybe the idea isn’t for all of us! Xx
My aunt is a potter and I really want to try doing some more. I might see if she’ll have space for me in a class this year - only she’s a 4.5 hr drive away - mini break time :)
I’m no teacher, but have had fun with a couple of my own nieces in the studio - I’m sure your aunt will welcome you with open arms (especially if you offer to do some wedging and kneading 😂) xx
I will offer whatever she needs - or should that be kneads?! ;). She does teach a class though in her studio - I’d just love to try it :)
Hi Vanessa, your blog sounds interesting and fun! I'll check more posts out. 😀
I'm trying to enjoy the moment more too, Vanessa! And I'm impressed with anyone who is good at pottery!
The great thing about throwing pots is that you genuinely cannot think about anything else - the ideal mindful activity. Xx
Yes that sounds really lovely and amazing!
I can definitely relate to that feeling of urgency! That's something I'm working on too.
So silly when mostly there is no specific time contraint, yet it’s that devil on the shoulder isn’t it? x
Exactly! I read Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman towards the end of 2024 and am in the processing of compiling all of my highlights from it. It really helped give me a new perspective on time and how I spend it.
Oh I keep meaning to read this too! Must add to my actual list 😂
Hi, I'm Rachel, a Chinese-Malaysian living in Germany with my little family. I am exploring to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life by wearing many hats-mother, writer, and a tech consultant.
My substack is Conscious Living, where I write long essays exploring ideas and thoughts surrounding it, and bi-weekly practice prompts for a more mindful living.
My word of the year is Connection. I seek to connect with myself, my loved ones, my friends, nature, people and the world at large. This ties in nicely to my conscious living ethos, too!
Thanks Mika for this wonderful space to share ❤️
Hi Rachel! I love that you help others deepen their mindfulness. What an important skill to develop!
Hi! I hope to also deepen mine in the process. It is an ongoing process, and so worth it.
Hi Rachel, conscious living is something I also focus on. I just have to check out your blog! 😀 Lovely to meet someone who also lives in Germany. I live just north of Hamburg.
Hi Claudia, yes lovely to meet someone from Germany too!
I love your word of the year, Rachel! I value connection too!
I wish you deeper connection this year! :)
Thanks, I’ll take that in - wishing that for you too!
What a fab word! I don’t know if I’ve come up with a word yet, but a word that came to me today was “ease” and yesterday I wrote “coming home” - coming home to myself. ✨
Both ease and "coming home" sound great. Give it a little more time and you will know right away when it became clear :)
Hello from Los Angeles! (3)I just celebrated 20 years of living here (the anniversary was New Year's Day) by inviting friends over for a vision board party. I scored a stack of magazines off Buy Nothing, asked everyone to bring their own scissors, supplied card and glue, and loved how creative everyone got with their visions for 2025. A week later, the city has gone up in flames but I'm hoping that wasn't because of any secret desires my guests expressed...
(2)There are three strands to my Substack, The Haunted Path. I am writing a series of articles about the foundation of Hollywood, as a place as well as a state of mind. Then, I occasionally spit out flash fiction, usually inspired by the fabulous Fictionistas. Finally, I write about monsters, as my (1) day job is as a writer and story consultant in the film and TV business, specializing in horror (and horror history).
Apologies for not answering the prompt questions in the correct order, but my neurodivergent brain doesn't work that way. I'm looking forward to meeting some new Substackers this way - thank you Mika!
Hope you continue to be safe from the fires! It looks incredibly scary and so many homes and businesses lost :(
Love how you hosted a vision board party, Karina! And I imagine it's difficult to be in LA right now. I hope you are safe! Sounds like your Substack is a lot of fun.
Your vision board party sounds like such a great time! And your job sounds fascinating.
I'm just north of you in BC, Canada so we have been hearing about the fires. Really hoping there's rain and relief soon. 🤞
I know you know all about fires in BC
Yes, to doing it in the order that feels right for you. I love that you’ve made it your own Karina!
I love how tactile and social your vision board party was! And yes, let’s hope there were only positive things in the vision board. 😄
Thanks for this space, Mika! I'm an intuitive IFS therapist, podcast host, and author. I write about recovering from people-pleasing, religious trauma, and childhood wounds. I am an empath and am exploring what that means and how to care for ourselves and share our gifts. I'm exploring neurodiversity and have a workshop coming up 1/27/25 where you can explore and better understand your particular flavor of neurodiversity. I also have workshops coming up on the Enneagram, reacting differently to triggers, empathy, and through all of it, how we can alchemize this transitional moment in time. My thread and focus through everything is this liminal moment in history when so much is changing - how to compost it into something transformative and life-giving.
sounds like we have a lot in common, Catherine! I am also recovering from people-pleasing and childhood wounds, love the Enneagram, write about neurodiversity, and think about reacting to triggers. Love that you're writing about this.
Love, love, love all these topics, Catherine! Thanks for introducing yourself and I hope you connect with like-minded people here. 💕
Hello. I am Chris. I write fiction, a memoir and devotionals. I am currently writing a series called Sentient. I try and release a chapter every 1 to 2 weeks. My memoir is, "The nut that runs the retirement hut." I am a LTC administrator and nurse by trade. I have written and released my first book, "Cast Shadows: A Jack Blackmon Trial." My saying this year, "Why not me."
I love your saying, Chris! What kind of devotionals do you write?
What a fab saying, Chris! Yes, “why not me?!” 💪
Hii Mika! So happy to see you back. Wishing a very happy and prosperous new year to my Substack aunty🥰
I have been meaning to connect with more amazing and lovely people on Substack and what better way to do so than participating in Find Your Tribe.
1. Hey everyone 👋, I am Mansi and I live in India. I work full-time in reinsurance, currently studying to become a qualified Actuary and also the author of my weekly newsletter called Unwind (my biggest achievement in life).
2. As someone who lives a busy life, Unwind is the space that allows me to slow down. I write every week with the intention that my readers can feel the same level of calm and joy that I associate with my newsletter. Unwind is all about intentionality, embracing peace and finding joy in little things.
3. In my week off from work, I journaled extensively about my reflections on 2024 and intertions for the new year. It inspired me to create a Vision Board for the first time ever! Two words I would like to focus on this year would be ‘intention’ and ‘balance’. I can’t wait to see my vision board everyday, framed on my bedside table in a couple days from now!
Hi Mansi - I love your words - and I am yet to do a vision board but you’ve encouraged me to sort one out! 💚
Those are great words, Mansi! I love that you write for yourself as well as others. The purpose of your Substack sounds so healing.
Thank you Serena, that’s so kind of you to say!🥹
I've been planning to do a vision board for ever, I have a stack of magazines, and never sit down to select the images. What was your vision board process?
Hi Liza!
I tried to be intentional about the whole process. I penned down my reflections for 2024 on a piece of paper which allowed me to appreciate how far I’ve come and also identify the areas I needed to work on.
Then I wrote down my intentions for the new year. I used the following prompts: my top 3 priorities for 2025, my financial goals for 2025, health goals, community goals, relationship goals, 5 things I want to learn this year, 3 things/habits I want to change in January to direct myself towards the vision etc.
I had a clearer picture that way when I went to Pinterest and saved images for my vision board. I created a simple collage on Canva which will get framed so that I can keep it close.
I really hope this helps! I’d say just go for it, you will not regret spending time on creating your vision board 😁
Also loved that you used multiple platforms and plan to frame your vision board!
Thank you Mansi, very useful, I will apply this for sure.
So lovely to see you Mansi! Thanks for joining in. 😊
I started collecting images in a Pintrest board with the intention of doing a vision board. My daughter made one last year and kept it on the lock screen by her phone and she swears by it.
I love the fact that a vision board allows one to dream. Sometimes we unintentionally limit our potential and end up feeling like our world is limited to the environment we live in. I had really been feeling that way towards the end of 2024 so this activity truly came in as a blessing!
I'm a firm believer in trying our best to be intentional with how we spend our time so I love that that's one of your words for 2025!
Vision boards are such fun projects! This reminds me that I wanted to create one for this year and haven't done it yet. I may experiment with creating a digital one!
That is soo lovely! Thank you Cassandra. I hope the vision board activity is fruitful and enjoyable for you! Keep dreaming ✨
👋 1. Hi Mika and all! I'm Cassandra and I live on an island on the west coast of Canada with my husband and our dog, Chewie.
I'm self-employed and work as a virtual assistant to female entrepreneurs in a variety of industries.
✍️ 2. My Substack is called Notes from a Kindred Spirit. (https://cassandrabumpus.substack.com/) It's a bi-weekly newsletter about embracing curiosity, exploring hobbies, living with chronic illness, and finding contentment in the everyday. I talk a lot about two of my favourite things: books and Bullet Journaling!
✨ 3. Every year I print off and fill our Susannah Conway's Unravel Your Year workbook. It has lots of prompts to reflect on the past year and think about the year ahead. I also usually pick a word or phrase of the year. Last year my word was "nurture" and, a bit uncharacteristically for me, I haven't chosen one for 2025 yet! But, I trust that it will come to me.
Hi Cassandra, I'm also a VA who lives on an Island but in Scotland
Oh how lovely! My parents visited Scotland in 2019 and I hope to get there in the near future too! Part of the beauty of working as a VA is that it's easier to travel. 😉
It really does!
Love that you write about finding contentment alongside chronic illness. My daughter struggles with chronic illness and it's not easy to find contentment when her body is in pain. You write with a lot of hope! Curious about Conway's workbook too!
Thank you for the kind words Serena! ☺️
Hi Cassandra!
So happy to get to know you a little bit. I think it’s so amazing that you didn’t force yourself to come up with a word for the year at the start itself. The pressure to sort your goals for the entire year as soon as it starts can be crazy. I love that you are taking your time and letting your word for the year come to you.
Sending so much positivity your way! 💕
Thank you, Mansi! It hasn't been easy to be patient amidst all the new years talk going on, but I trust I'll know it when I'm ready!
I'll be interested to know what your word/phase is, once you decide!
Hi Cassandra, I have not heard of the Susannah Conway workbook, but will definitely look it up. I don't have a firm idea on the word of the year for me, but I am thinking it could be Exploration (of my self and all kinds of new things (ideas, places, practices etc).
Hi Liza, here's the link for Susannah's free workbook: https://www.susannahconway.com/unravel/
I think exploration is a great word because you can apply it to so many aspects of your life and work!
Thank you for sharing, this looks really intriguing.
You’re so welcome! Thanks so much for joining in. I hope you can find some lovely people to connect with.
Thank you! And in case you're interested, I wrote a post about the end of year reflection and vision work https://lizadebevec.substack.com/p/a-clean-slate-crafting-your-2025
Thank you for sharing! I will definitely give it a read. 😊
Thanks so much for joining in Cassandra!
👋 1. Hi, I am Liza, originally from Slovenia, but now living in Lisbon after 10 years in Ethiopia.
✍️ 2. I write a Substack Sharing Secrets (and Other Useful Stuff) https://lizadebevec.substack.com I share tips and ideas that have helped me and my coaching clients.
In the notes I also write about my life as an expat and the challenges connected with that.
✨ 3. I've been following Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast for several years and doing the annual lists. This year I am doing the 25 in 25 list.
I've also been doing January yoga challenge with Yoga with Adriene since 2021.
This year, for the first time I also hosted an free online workshop for people to review their 2024 and create a vision for 2025. I really enjoyed that and I think it will become my yearly practice.
That's really lovely that you created a space for people to review their 2024 and vision for 2025. Have you ever tried Fightmaster Yoga? That's my favorite.
Hi Liza! I love Yoga with Adriene. I used to follow her instructions on my kitchen floor with a mat, of course. I have to check out the challenge and get back into it.
Oh yes, 25 in 25 is a great idea! I've seen people make a bingo with the 25 things on it!
I love Yoga with Adriene....must check that out!
I've been listening to the Happier podcast for years, too! In 2023, my phrase for the year was a quote from Gretchen: "Choose the bigger life." I'm excited that they're doing a read 25 in 25 challenge this year!
Yes, the reading 25 in 25 is back after it was a success as reading 20 in 20. I love ‘Choose the bigger life"‘ as a phrase for the year!
Example 💕
👋 1. Hi! I’m Mika from New Zealand. For the longest time, I focused on what others needed from me - family, my job, everyone else! 😆
I stepped away from my job in 2023 and now that the kids are getting older, I’ve started asking myself….“What do *I* want?”
It’s been both unsettling and exciting, and I’m so grateful for this new journey!
✍️ 2. MUSINGS BY MIKA (https://musingsbymika.substack.com)
It’s my little happy place. I get to connect with like-minded people who are trying to figure out this thing called life - who are also stepping into their creative journey through writing and stepping outside of their comfort zone.
I share my Substack journey, help others connect, and talk openly about my fears and triumphs of this new stage of my life.
✨ 3. I’ve really enjoyed taking some time out to write down:
♥ What is my dream life?
♥ How do I want to feel this year?
♥ What would make 2025 my best year yet?
Based on that, I come up with a basic daily plan to incorporates the things I wrote about.
I love your questions about how you want to feel this year and what would make 2025 your best year yet! Have a wonderful year, Mika, and thanks for sharing! 🩷
Mika, you always have good ideas! Your questions are really wise. I am going to sit with them too. It's easy for me to consider what I want to do this year - but your question is "how do I want to feel this year" which is such a good one! And hardly ever asked. Thanks for sharing!
I love the questions you've asked yourself, especially number two ❤️