What are 5 topics you can talk about for 30 mins with 0 prep?
1. Witchy wisdom
2. Dysautonomia/POTS
3. Environmental Justice/Sustainability
4. White supremacy and systemic racism
5. Grief and healing through brain retraining, mindfulness, nature, and witchy wisdom
I write Willow and The Witch, where I'm currently writing on each of the five stages of grief through a witchy lens. My most recent post was on how Tarot saved my life.
Would love to connect with others especially anyone in the witchy community who can look at it with an intersectional lens. I'm starting to unpack a lot of the problematic areas. Also interested in collaborating on some environmental/sustainability topics!
Hi Catherine! Fascinating topics. I don't have POTS, though I have experienced a few panic attacks that had some of the same symptoms. I'm especially interested in your reference to witchy wisdom (do you consider yourself Wicca?). I've featured Paganism and magick in a few of my novels and am eager to learn more. Blessed be.
Thank you! I have had many panic attacks and have had to use a lot of different tools to manage them. I'm sorry you have to deal with them too.
I don't identify as Wiccan-I'd say mostly Pagan but I do have influences from other belief systems. In witchy wisdom I explore a lot of different aspects under that umbrella-divination, moon magic, manifestation, the wheel of the year, ancestral healing, crystals, plant magic, etc. It's really helped me in my healing journey.
I love that you've found ways to use Earth and Sky power. And I love that you (like me) capitalize Paganism. It's frustrating to me that although I capitalize it in my novels, and even though I make a point of having a character mention that, reviewers almost inevitably use "paganism."
Hi there, I'm Catherine
What are 5 topics you can talk about for 30 mins with 0 prep?
1. Witchy wisdom
2. Dysautonomia/POTS
3. Environmental Justice/Sustainability
4. White supremacy and systemic racism
5. Grief and healing through brain retraining, mindfulness, nature, and witchy wisdom
I write Willow and The Witch, where I'm currently writing on each of the five stages of grief through a witchy lens. My most recent post was on how Tarot saved my life.
Would love to connect with others especially anyone in the witchy community who can look at it with an intersectional lens. I'm starting to unpack a lot of the problematic areas. Also interested in collaborating on some environmental/sustainability topics!
Thanks for sharing your topics Catherine. Have you managed to find your witchy community on Substack yet?
I've found a few but still looking! I'd love to collaborate with others so I'm hoping I'll find more soon as I still relatively new to the platform ✨
Hi Catherine! Fascinating topics. I don't have POTS, though I have experienced a few panic attacks that had some of the same symptoms. I'm especially interested in your reference to witchy wisdom (do you consider yourself Wicca?). I've featured Paganism and magick in a few of my novels and am eager to learn more. Blessed be.
Thank you! I have had many panic attacks and have had to use a lot of different tools to manage them. I'm sorry you have to deal with them too.
I don't identify as Wiccan-I'd say mostly Pagan but I do have influences from other belief systems. In witchy wisdom I explore a lot of different aspects under that umbrella-divination, moon magic, manifestation, the wheel of the year, ancestral healing, crystals, plant magic, etc. It's really helped me in my healing journey.
I love that you've found ways to use Earth and Sky power. And I love that you (like me) capitalize Paganism. It's frustrating to me that although I capitalize it in my novels, and even though I make a point of having a character mention that, reviewers almost inevitably use "paganism."