Looking forward to that podcast episode!

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Should be fun!!

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Yay for being on a podcast. I'm looking forward to hearing about your journey from you!

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Sep 9Author

I had to be a bit brave to do it, so I’m hoping it turns out ok! 😄

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You are flying Mika! Lovely to see 😀

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Sep 9Author

Definitely enjoying the space and being able to encourage others!

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What a great recap! And so so grateful you took the time to contribute to a post!

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Sep 8Author

I really loved the way you put your post together! I’ve been meaning to DM you some names for your next series!

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All good! Excited to hear who you’ll recommend!

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The power of now is a great book! I should reread it! 🤔

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Sep 8Author

So good!! It definitely helped me to catch myself in the habit of dwelling too much in the past or future!

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I absolutely love seeing your monthly roundups Mika. And every month I say I'll do the same. I'm bookmarking this and sticking it on my to do list for next week. Going through my monthly stats is something I've been heavily resisting but I know I need to dive into it.

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Sep 7Author

What a great idea! I’m sure a lot of people would love to know what it takes to get to 100 paid subscribers. 😊

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I chatted with Alexa for the same reason and we also chatted at length afterward. She has that effect on people, doesn't she? So easy to talk to!

Thank you for sharing that note about the lady with the villa. I'm totally on board for reading her stories!!!

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Sep 7Author

Is your episode out yet?

And yes, Rosie sounds fab doesn’t she!

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No mine isn't out yet. Looking forward to hearing all of ours though. 😊

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I am endlessly inspired by your energy and boundless positivity- thank you so much!

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Sep 7Author

You’re so kind! And thank you so much for sharing xxx

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Ooh Power of Now…I may join you. Sounds like a richly fulfilling August Mika x

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Sep 7Author

I must admit, I have to concentrate to follow along, but I love the lessons I learned. I know this is going to be life changing.

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Your organic growth in Substack is inspiring,Mika. I’m happy be a part of this community.

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Sep 7Author

I’m so glad you’re part of the community too Shanjitha. Thank you for always leaving such lovely comments. 💕

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Yay congrats Mika! It’s a JOY to work with you. ✨✨

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Sep 7Author

I love your approach to Substack and the creative field, so it’s been an amazing opportunity! 😊

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Thank you, Mika! The space you’ve created has been such a fun and inviting place to be. I can’t wait to hear the podcast! 🫶🏼

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Sep 7Author

Thank you Mica and thank you so much for supporting my writing and joining the community! I appreciate your positivity!

I hope people will be able to understand what I'm saying with my accent.

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I’m sure it will be fantastic!

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I love seeing such wonderful things happening for you, Mika. Congrats on all your success thus far! 🥰

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Sep 7Author

Awww, thank you Melissa. You really don't know what's around the corner!!

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What a great August for you, especially for taking a week off and focusing on family time. Congratulations on the subscriber spike, podcast and your daughter's graduation.

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Sep 7Author

Thanks so much for your support and kind words Jana!

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I'm one of those new subscribers from Life is Short! 😁

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Sep 7Author

So excited that you joined! I hope you the posts are helpful and you get to meet other really lovely people in the community!

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Thank you!

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Your updates feel so soothing Mika:-)

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Sep 7Author

Thanks so much! That means a lot.

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