So many beautiful resources here!! Thank you Mika! Excited to check them out. I am also with this idea of rumination. I’m finding embracing slow living is now the way I want to live. This has always been my way. It’s beyond refreshing that I don’t have to fight it.

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I’m finally embracing slow living, and I love it so so much! I’ve had to detangle old programming that said “you’re lazy” or “you’re not doing enough”. Now I feel free and happy. Not only am I benefiting but everyone around me is too!

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I'm so sorry that you were taken ill during the holidays. Hope you have recovered by now. I do agree that sickness is our body's way to tell us we need to pause and rest. It seems that a lot of people I know or know of were/have been sick, including myself, as if there was a collective alarm to warn us how unsustainable our productivity culture is! Thanks for sharing those wonderful resources/articles, some of what I had also read. As you know, from my recent essay, I came up with my word of the year, "Self-Led." It almost became a phrase but I decided to make the action into a word. It's good to know others have come up with the idea of "Phrase of the Year." I might try that in the future! What is yours?

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My phase is “released the pressure, embrace play”.

To be honest, it almost feels like I’m the defender in an NFL game, pushing away all the offenders, who represent “negative thoughts”, and the ball is my mind.

So that, coupled with doing fun things like illustrations and relearning the piano, I have felt lighter than I’ve felt in a long time. 💕

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What a powerful phrase gor your intention. So glad yo hear you feel lighter. I'm guessing your inner child is rejoicing!

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When someone else posted their Yes/No list for the year, I didn’t want to commit for the year, so I decided to just make one for every month! Sort of like number 4?

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Jan 7Author

I think that’s a great idea. It means that you’re constantly reviewing from month to month and course correcting when necessary….also you aren’t basing you whole year’s goal on the person you were in Jan…things change, people change 😊

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Yes, yes exactly!! Smaller time horizons! (Also just realized this is also the pretty much the subject of my most recent Substack! 😂 https://marikapaezwiesen.substack.com/p/overcoming-resistance-for-dummies )

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thank you so much for including my work! here's to rethinking this beginning time! And I have been writing 2024 every day because I've been dating my days in my sketchbook, but I was thinking how without that I would have no sense of time. Had me thinking back to how writing checks was the thing that seared a year in your mind...

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Jan 6Author

Oh my, to think the “young kids” won’t even know what checks are (in NZ we spell it cheques). Thanks for giving me permission to take the whole “month off” to reflect. So freeing! All the best with your reflection time.✨

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Totally hear you on sometimes a bug being a blessing in disguise 🥸 hope it led to restorative rest for you!

I decided to try to not look at my phone first thing waking up in the morning as my main “resolution” - kind of a twist on the traditional but I’m hoping the small change leads to big impact on how I feel starting the day.. we’ll see!

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Jan 5Author

That’s interesting how you shared about not going on your phone first thing in the morning. That used to be my habit for years (transformative!) but this week, I have started to hop on the Substack App when I first wake up!! Timely reminder to abandon this new habit ASAP!! Thanks for commenting Jess!

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No way, wow! Glad it was a reminder and you’ll try to bring it back. Substack first thing is very tempting for me too - I try to tell myself it’ll still be there after my morning routine (& it’s almost a treat that way) 😆 have a great weekend!

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