Hi, I'm Lily from Bristol, UK. I am a published author of fiction and memoir. My most recent book was Sins of My Father, about my father who was an addict and joined a religious cult when I was a child. It was The Guardian Book of the Year, 2022, which was really great. I am currently writing a book on how to write memoir called INTO BEI…
Hi, I'm Lily from Bristol, UK. I am a published author of fiction and memoir. My most recent book was Sins of My Father, about my father who was an addict and joined a religious cult when I was a child. It was The Guardian Book of the Year, 2022, which was really great. I am currently writing a book on how to write memoir called INTO BEING, and I am a little obsessed with how writing and reading it can be radical and transformative in equal turn!
My Substack publication is called And a Dog because I have a beautiful and demanding dog called Elsa who has changed my life. We initially thought she had changed our life for the worse, but then we woke up and realised what a gift she has been and continues to be. I sometimes write about her and about my teen kids, and my beloved partner and what it feels like to live in a step family. But I mostly write about memoir because I live and breathe it.
When I am writing a book, like now, I get up at 6am and work uninterrupted for two to three hours. It is the only way I can dig into the depth of my concentration, before the teens wake up, the dog needs a walk, the day starts.
I am also a teacher and a mentor and although I love both these things, I have been moving towards a life of writing; where writing trumps everything else. I am not quite there yet - it is a work in progress... but every year I inch a little bit closer.
Lily, nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on Guardian Book of the Year! I love your Substack name. I too have a Dog that is very demanding. I'm so thankful he can't speak. The demands from my 3 teenage boys are enough :). Will check out your substack. Have a nice weekend!
Hi, I'm Lily from Bristol, UK. I am a published author of fiction and memoir. My most recent book was Sins of My Father, about my father who was an addict and joined a religious cult when I was a child. It was The Guardian Book of the Year, 2022, which was really great. I am currently writing a book on how to write memoir called INTO BEING, and I am a little obsessed with how writing and reading it can be radical and transformative in equal turn!
My Substack publication is called And a Dog because I have a beautiful and demanding dog called Elsa who has changed my life. We initially thought she had changed our life for the worse, but then we woke up and realised what a gift she has been and continues to be. I sometimes write about her and about my teen kids, and my beloved partner and what it feels like to live in a step family. But I mostly write about memoir because I live and breathe it.
When I am writing a book, like now, I get up at 6am and work uninterrupted for two to three hours. It is the only way I can dig into the depth of my concentration, before the teens wake up, the dog needs a walk, the day starts.
I am also a teacher and a mentor and although I love both these things, I have been moving towards a life of writing; where writing trumps everything else. I am not quite there yet - it is a work in progress... but every year I inch a little bit closer.
Lily, nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on Guardian Book of the Year! I love your Substack name. I too have a Dog that is very demanding. I'm so thankful he can't speak. The demands from my 3 teenage boys are enough :). Will check out your substack. Have a nice weekend!
I always find it interesting to read when people do their writing!