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1. Hi! I'm Sarah--originally from California, currently living in Amsterdam, dreaming of Italy next.
2. ESCAPE TO THE BOOKSHOP (escapetothebookshop.sub…). I write about my journey to starting a tiny indie bookshop in an Umbrian hill town. And other topics sometimes pop up, like living abroad and what home really means.
3. During the pandem…
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1. Hi! I'm Sarah--originally from California, currently living in Amsterdam, dreaming of Italy next.
2. ESCAPE TO THE BOOKSHOP ( I write about my journey to starting a tiny indie bookshop in an Umbrian hill town. And other topics sometimes pop up, like living abroad and what home really means.
3. During the pandemic, I started attending the London Writers' Salon every weekday morning, and I've kept the habit since. It's an hour-long Zoom where we just silently write together. Writing involves so much solitude and self-discipline, so it really helps to have that hour where we all hold ourselves accountable together.
I'd love to connect with others writing about Italy or living abroad.
Hi Sarah,
I loved hearing about your bookshop in Umbria idea! I also spend a lot of time Italy, but am not yet there full time. I write about food, the Food Giants, and life in Italy.
Hi Lizzie! Where in Italy do you visit?
Hi Sarah
I have a house near Sansepolcro in Tuscany. And seeing her on our mutual subscribers – and the fact that she’s from California, am wondering if you know Nancy Raff?
I only know her from Substack. I’ve only been on the platform a few months, and I love how many wonderful people I’m meeting here.
Yes – me too! And how many great writers are here!
Hi Sarah! Good luck with your bookshop in Umbria! It seems like such an amazing project! I just discovered London Writers' Salon about 2 weeks ago, and I am so glad I did - it really helps with motivation and focus, so really with the solitude and self-discipline you mentioned!
Isn’t it a great discovery? They just joined Substack this week too.
Yes, I already subscribed! :)
Hi Sarah,
I’m a native Californian (SF, to be specific), and am envious of your life in Europe, particularly Italy. I write about wine history and longevity tips. The wine part has roots in Piedmont, Italy. My great grandfather was an Italian winemaker, before immigrating to the SF bay area. My grandmother, to our surprise, has the longevity gene. She breaks some of the healthy aging rules, which I unravel for my readers.
My husband’s family also hails from Piedmont! We spent a year there when our kids were tiny, getting him Italian citizenship through his great-great grandfather. Have you checked your eligibility for citizenship? Perhaps moving to Europe would be easier than you think…
No. I’m not planning to move, but certainly visit!
It is lovely to meet you here Sarah. I am originally from Australia, currently in England, dreaming of France (but also not ready to stop exploring the world just yet). I'm very new to Substack, but also looking to find my voice here, and make some new friends!
Hello, Joy! Welcome to the warm world of Substack.
That is amazing dedication to do that every morning! Was it easy for you to start your Substack since you had the habit of writing already?
I feel like I’m still finding my voice, but I love it as a kind of break from more formal writing. And it’s nice to be able to connect with other writers here too.