I am THE GRANNY WHO STANDS ON HER HEAD (you can see me do so, age 80, in a two minute video on my Substack). I am in the UK and write about anything that takes my fancy, but it is usually some thought or other, rather than what is going on in my immediate life. I always write short pieces (c 800 words) and only once a fortnight (Indeed, …
I am THE GRANNY WHO STANDS ON HER HEAD (you can see me do so, age 80, in a two minute video on my Substack). I am in the UK and write about anything that takes my fancy, but it is usually some thought or other, rather than what is going on in my immediate life. I always write short pieces (c 800 words) and only once a fortnight (Indeed, I subtitle it Thought for the Fortnight). I don't think my morning or evening routines are tremendously interesting, but as a bad sleeper, I always do a Sudoku or two to clear my brain before bedtime.
I am THE GRANNY WHO STANDS ON HER HEAD (you can see me do so, age 80, in a two minute video on my Substack). I am in the UK and write about anything that takes my fancy, but it is usually some thought or other, rather than what is going on in my immediate life. I always write short pieces (c 800 words) and only once a fortnight (Indeed, I subtitle it Thought for the Fortnight). I don't think my morning or evening routines are tremendously interesting, but as a bad sleeper, I always do a Sudoku or two to clear my brain before bedtime.
The video was amazing! Such an inspiration Ann!
Suduko is fun! But I never been able to complete one. Last window always get me 🤣