Welcome to musings from mika, where a cozy community awaits you!

Hi! 👋 I'm Mika, and a year ago I turned away from the corporate world to step into the unknown, and I've been documenting my experiences ever since.

musings by mika is more than just a newsletter

I write from the heart about the doubts and challenges of redefining success after leaving a traditional job, offering thoughtful reflections and encouragement for those on similar paths.

Whether you're new to Substack or a seasoned writer, you'll find useful insights about Substack, a supportive network, and a warm, welcoming environment.

My goal is to inspire, uplift, and cheer you on, just as you cheer me on.

We have created a safe space for conversation and connection with like-minded individuals so we can all thrive together.

Join our free community and receive:

1st Week: Substack Diaries

Candid monthly recaps.

2nd Week: Find Your Tribe 🔍

Community event where you can find and be found by others.

3rd Week: My Musings

Raw and intimate essays about authentic living.

4th Week: Fav Five 🖐️

Five things to inspire you or make life easier.

5th Week: Substack Compilation

A collection about reimagining success recommended by Substack writers

✿ Weekly Substack Accountability Chat

Community chat where we hold each other accountable to fuel our creative journey on Substack.

✿ Weekly Light Up Chat

Community chat where we share what’s been lighting us up: books 📚, podcasts 🎧, articles 📄, life events.

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About me

✿ My name is Japanese and is pronounced “Me (like key🔑) - ka”

✿ My mum is a short Japanese woman and my dad is a tall red head Kiwi!

✿ My husband and I have four awesome big kids and live in New Zealand

✿ I was diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive & hyper) last year at 46 years old

✿ If I see creme brûlée, panna cotta or chocolate mousse on the menu, I’m a happy camper (and will be very tempted to order all three!)

My content is completely free, but you can buy me a hot chocolate by following this link!

I look forward to have you join my little corner of the world!

Subscribe to musings by mika

musings by mika is all about navigating uncharted terrain and discovering life beyond the comfort zone - moving past perfectionism, people-pleasing and playing safe and small. ✨ I also include my monthly Substack diaries to guide Substack newbies. 📖


Hello from New Zealand! 👋 I'm Mika. I write *musings by mika*, where I explore living beyond the comfort zone and the honest journey of writing on Substack.